
How do I stop feeling guilty? ?

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I feel so sick and guilty all the time...I hate myself so much and I dont feel like I've done anything right in a very long time. I feel empty, guilty, and so angry all the time...How do I fix it?




  1. Hi. Try doing all your 5 prayers. Read the Quran. And try visiting the mosque. Say BISMILLAH everytime you do something like before you eat, when you leave the house, etc. Remember Allah at all times and he will be here for you. It's probably the Shaitan bothering you, but don't worry as long as you remember Allah Ta'ala and say Bismillah at all times you will be alright. Pray ok. And Ramadan is soon. Fasting will make you feel alot better. Stay strong and have faith.

  2. In order to fix it you need to reflect on what you are doing daily, is your day to day matters based upon postive aspects....

  3. u need someone to talk to..

    hope u get the help u seek..

    may allah guide u..

    always love and peace..


    why dont u start talking to allah..

    asking his mercy and forgiveness..

    u'll feel just great..

  4. Read the Quran and get closer to Allah, your life will be become easier inshallah.

  5. I don't think there is anything to feel guilty about if you are fulfilling your obligations to Allah, yourself, your family and your community.  If you're not, then you need to amend your ways.  You have to do things right.  

  6. its true that, the he first time mohammed married almost double his age older woman ( a mother figure)

    muslims say around age 40, mohammed attained prohpesy...

    after attaining prophesy only.. mohammed married that 6yrs old child girl and as soon as the child girl got matured(physically) he had s*x with her

    well, i tell you..

    MORALS are always MORALS, now or 1400 yrs ago, its not about Laws, its not about traditions, Mohammed was already a prohpet, supposed to have communication with God.. being a wise man, he shouldnt have done this, How can mohammed marry & have s*x with that Tiny girl? the girl though matured physically, she was still a child, she wasnt matured mentally at all

    (muslims support marrying the child girl by..

    Mohammed needed a wife to see his house hold things & to look after his children

    lmao, how can this 6 or 9 yr old girl look after his children & do house hold works? (child-labour?)

    and some say, he didnt have s*x at 9 may be later, they simply "lived" together

    well, if this was the case, why they started immidiately after her v****a got broadened? why not immidiatelly after marriage when she was at 6)

    and to SUPPORT women, he need not to MARRY every WIDOW, he can protect those women by simply Giving Maintanance Money & Ordering other Men around.. not to Harrass them Physically

    but this WISE Man.. wants s*x s*x.. Mohammed Lured.. someone else's Wives!

    its a bitter truth, mohammed was a characterless, woman-phycho

    Mohammed was supposed to eradicate bad systems, but he simply followed the tradition, Married TOO Many Women that he can shake his STICK at, this clearly states, he wasnt a prohpet, he was a "FAKE"

  7. stop eating innocent animals

  8. Have hope, trust in allah (swt) and know that the time you have left to use it wisely.

  9. Don't waste your life feeling guilty. Simply change how you view things.

  10. Don't feel guilty. I'm sure that the person just needs time.  

  11. Why are you feeling guilty about? If you harm someone obviously you should feel guilty, empty, embarrassed, and miserable.

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