
How do I stop feeling sluggish all of the time?

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How do I stop feeling sluggish all of the time?




  1. You have to get the same amount of sleep every night, go to skeep at the same time, wake up at the same time. Eat less junk, pop, and sugary stuff, eat more healthy. Drink lots of water.  

  2. surprisingly I found out that excersise makes you feel alot better. First let me tell you that I know what you mean. In my case I felt lazy and tired all the time. I had a child and gained weight tremendously in the last 6 years. I read in a book that if you wake up and stretch your body and take a sower it tells your mind that it is time to get up. It works! I get up and do jumping jacks, stretch my arms, legs, back, and take a shower and it helps me feel a little bit more energized. you might also have a check to see if you don't need any vitamin becasue that might als have something to do with it.

  3. Eate better and make your shelf exersie!

  4. It depends on a lot of things, like lifestyle, eating habits, etc. In may be something as easy as needing iron supplements. Would have to have more info to answer better....

  5. get plenty of sleep and eat sensible meals breakfast is the most important of course multivitamans& exersice are esential as well.

  6. I think I'm naturally lazy by nature. I have to force myself to get up and go and once I start moving around, i find that I get more energy. Try starting the day out with a nice walk around the block, or through your neighbor hood and see if that helps.

    Maybe adjust your diet and eat less sluggish foods, less carbs and more fresh vegetables and see if that helps too.

    Less sugars, more natural nutrients :)

  7. Drink Geritol.

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