
How do I stop from buying things just because they are "good deal" ?

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I usually dont need the items I buy....that much and I really cant afford my spending habbits, but getting $20 shirts at Hot Topic for $ 2.97 for my kids...... I just cant pass up that deal . Now Im broke . Im susposed to be saving money not spending it .

How do you pass up killer deals on things your kids kinda sorta need?




  1. don't shop

  2. if  your children have sufficient clothing and you budget is pretty tight then maybe avoid shopping. Another idea is to take a small of cash and only buy one item you would probably make better decisions and not spend so much.

  3. If it's not a need then don't buy it.  Use self control.  My mom does the same thing all in the name of "a good deal".  She constantly tells my sister that she is irresponsible with money but she can't control her impulses to buy.  She tells me "I just can't pass that up for a dollar/two dollars/etc".  I just want to grab her by the shoulders and say "YES you can!  You just won't!"

    Instead of doing the impulse buying when you see something you want, put the money you would use to buy that want into a savings account and you'd be surprise how much money you save over a year.  If you are broke, stop buying needless stuff.  It's that simple.  Now you just need to use your self control.

  4. I don't shop. That helps.  I simply ask, "Do I need it?" if the anser is questionable, then no

  5. I don't shop. That helps. I simply ask, "Do I need it?" if the anser is questionable, then no

  6. I have this same problem. If you find a good answer let me know. Good luck!  

  7. Powerful prescription downers...

  8. Who cares, it's not like you can take it with you right? Besides the look on the kids face can brighten your day. I know he does mine.  

  9. I am horrible when it comes to good deals. They are almost impossible to pass up. Maybe try setting a budget for yourself. That is what I had to do. I give myself $30 each payday and when its gone its gone. But then the next payday you could either reset it (you have 30 spent 15 so you only give yourself 15 this time to make it an even 30 again) or you can just give yourself another $30. I just give myself $30 each payday that way if I come across something that is a little more expensive and I did not spend all my money the last time I can build up my spending account. Or just avoid the mall like a plague!  

  10. If they need them then go for it. But you shouldn't buy things just because they're a good deal. I think that cost shouldn't really matter when we buy clothes. I think that when you buy clothes you should consider: How many times am I going to wear this? and things like that.

    And also, when you go shopping PLAN IT OUT! Only bring enough money for what you know or what you planned to buy. See, if you don't have the money to buy the extra sale stuff then you can't buy it. =D

    Here's something I searched on Google:

  11. "Its a good deal....But can I afford this right now, and would we really use it?  Can I be completely happy and fine without it?"

  12. Honey, with a sale like that, I wouldn't be able to pass it up either. LMAO

  13. Ah I love shopping - great bargains are hard to pass up but generally you ask yourself do I really need it or will I ever use it?  If you have any doubt about it...don't buy it.  

    I would buy that shirt for $3 & sell it on ebay for $5 or more...

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