
How do I stop hallucinating spiders?

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First off, I do not do drugs and I get plenty of sleep

Whenever I see a spider, I start hallucinating that they are all over the room... and when I look in where I hallucinate them, they're gone...

I have MASSIVE arachnophobia, so when it's a big spider I start getting a panic attack and start seeing other spiders, and I get dizzy and scared.

Just a while ago, I was playing video games and I saw a spider. I kept my eye on it and went to get the fly swatter. When I returned, it was gone. (it was real, not in my head) And I look all around the room carefully and nervously, and I kept seeing other spiders that weren't really there because they would disappear.

And finally I found the spider, and in my terror, I swatted at it, and it was on the ceiling and I missed and it fell to the ground but I started feeling them all over me! But I don't think it touched me at all!

How do I stop this? I get so scared, I feel like if I could get rid of the spider that starts it all, I'd calm down, but this spider has vanished again, and I'm too afraid to go downstairs.

Plus I keep feeling them all over me and I keep having to swat at myself...

This is most likely just a part of my panic attacks, but are there any tips on how to not hallucinate them...




  1. try thinking of cotton candy instead.

  2. The only way to get over a fear is to face it. Go to a zoo that has tons of spiders and get someone educated in them to give you some information about them, Maybe even try and handle one. Once you can force yourself to do this, you will be released of all fear of spiders.

  3. You need to learn to get over your fear of spiders.  Chances are that you've never even seen a real spider that can actually hurt you.  Try playing with a little baby spider if you ever see one (they never bite).  Fears of nature come from not understanding it.

  4. Your probably just scared of them and you keep pictures them in your mind so you think you see them for real. Just Dont picture them in your mind or picture them looking ridiculous. Like a fuzzy pink spider with purple wings and pretty eyes.

    Hope That Helped  

  5. eating 2 dady long legs in the pale blue moon should do the trick

  6. man good luck... try to see a sycoligist? sorry i cant spell!

  7. STOP DOING SHROOMS. Just stop. Remember mid school when all you did was smoke weed? Remember the lack of hallucinations?   yes.

  8. Watch Charlotte's Web.

  9. Don't worry, this is very normal of an arachnophobic.  The only way you can take care of it is by facing your fear.  You have to remember that they are SO much smaller than you, and are virtually incapable of harming you (at least the little common house spiders that you are probably encountering). If you lose a spider before you can get rid of it, there's not much you can do -- you shouldn't let a tiny insect stop you from entering a part of your own house.

  10. It's pretty easy to understand why you would be afraid of spiders. They creep around with their fat bodies and hairy legs, spinning webs to snare prey and suck the life out of them. And the big ones… don't even start! As a matter of fact, you are probably getting the heebie-jeebies just reading these lines. Thankfully, you don't need to live with your spider phobia forever. Through hypnosis, you can rid yourself of your spider phobia and stop freezing up whenever you see one of those creepy-crawly monsters.

    To understand how hypnosis can help you with your spider phobia, you must understand how hypnosis works. First, it relaxes you into a state not unlike meditation or deep sleep. However, the relaxation is not entirely like either of those examples, as it still keeps your mind open to suggestion and the second portion of hypnosis. By applying suggestion to your subconscious mind, it can alter your conscious mind. In this case, your subconscious mind will tell your conscious mind that spiders are more afraid of you than you are of them, so there is no need to freeze up when you see them.

    Hypnosis is actually very simple, but its results are very powerful. Ridding people of their fears is one of its most common uses and it can work wonders on your spider phobia. Through the use of self-hypnosis tapes or by visiting a hypnotherapist, you can quickly set aside your arachnophobia and be comfortable enough around spiders to either leave them to their own devices, or just whack them with a newspaper.

    When you decide that it is time for your spider phobia to finally leave you alone, hypnosis can allow you to be comfortable around our eight-legged friends. You may not want them in your home, but you can at least have the confidence to get rid of them yourself, instead of either freezing up or hollering for someone else to come and kill your spiders for you. So let hypnosis work for you, and put your spider phobia into your past, where it belongs.

  11. I have arachnophobia, too. Not as bad as yours, but I still have it. I'm not so bad that I need therapy or anything, but they have a treatment for arachnophobia. You can see a mental health professional. It doesn't mean you're crazy, so don't feel like that. But they have treatments for that. They have hypnosis and other things. I know how you feel, I'm terrified of spiders. Fortunately, there aren't really big ones ever in my house or near where I live. I only get the occasional little spider.

  12. You need to see like a counselor, and lay off the drugs.

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