
How do I stop him from making fun?

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My wife and I just recently celebrated the birth of our beautiful twin girls this past June and most of our friends were excited and supportive. BUT my brother Erin, who is 5 years younger then me, pokes fun at the four of us ALL THE TIME! He lives about 10 minutes away from us and whenever he comes over he says stuff like "They're such cuties! Too bad they're not yours eh, Erik." He tells us that since Im 38 and my wifes only 21 that theres no way I could "keep it up" long enough to conceive kids, especially twins. My wife hates it and trust and believe, I do too. How do I tell him, sternly, to stop without totally pissing him off?




  1. Unfortunately i had to do this same thing with my grandfather....i was only 13 at the time, though. Next time he says something hurtful simply say "you do realize that those types of remarks are no more funny than they are called for and i would appreciate it if you'd keep that negative thinking to yourself" or something along those lines. He probably doesn't even realize the upset he is causing and bringing it to his attention in this manner will not only show that you aren't trying to be hateful but also that you really do mean business.

  2. Maybe you should totally p**s him off, cause that's exactly what it sounds like he's doing to you. My mother-in-law was convinced that my 2nd child wasn't my husbands, cause she wasn't german blonde with blue eyes (brown hair like mine and green eyes) like my oldest-who looks exactly like their dad! For the longest time I struggled with it, nobody joked or said anything at all, it was just obvious. I had my 3rd who looks exactly like my 2nd who looks exactly like me, so everyones shut up now because apparently my 2nd was conceived when i was out of the country-ha ha to them! anyway, its never nice to even have it jokingly implied that your kids aren't your own and it can plant a seed in your mind, maybe even make you think that they're not yours, which may cause problems within your marriage. Maybe he's just jealous? You should just tell him flat out to cut it out. He's not sparing your feelings, why should you spare his!?

  3. just do it, if he has enough courage to "diss" your family, then you should hav the same courage to tell him

  4. He's pissing you off, so why worry about his feelings, you have your little family and sound very happy and proud, don't let your jealous brother spoil it, tell him straight. If he doesn't like it then tuff, you obviously have something, he hasn't, maybe he should consentrate on settling down himself!! Good luck with the twins. xx

  5. Tell him you still have 12 years until you can't get it up anymore. Your wife can enjoy 12 years of viagra-free s*x.

  6. Sounds like he's jealous, or insecure. Either way, hes a jerk. I'm guessing he's just joking around and doesn't realize how hurtful his comments are. You have choices: just live with it, and figure he's not around us that much and we can handle it, or you could talk to him. Is it bad enough, to risk having him offended and mad at you? Not sure. Could be he's just really annoying and you just prepare yourselves for what he'll say, before he comes over. Is there another relative that could say something? I have this same problem with my brother. He says really stupid, tactless things, and I have to think, he just doesn't know how they come across! So, I told my Mom, and well, she talked to him about it. That might be another option for you.

  7. I would tell him that if he's going to disrespect your family than he is not welcome in your house. It is your place to do this, not your wife's,although if I were her, I would of told him off long ago. It sounds like your wife is more mature than him, dispite her age.

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