
How do I stop him saying 'Daddy'?

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My little boy (two and a half) is mad over my partner, they are having a lot of fun together, and generally just a good time. My ex stopped any contact with my boy when he was a few months old, so the new partner is the only male influence he has had.

I find it rather embarrassing that my son calls him 'Daddy' though! I always correct him, but it does not seem to help.It does not bother my partner, but I would rather my boy don't say that. Any ideas on how to get him to stop?




  1. Decide what it is that you want your son to call your partner, then try and use that name as much as possible around the boy. Hopefully he'll pick up the name and use it.

  2. My son started calling my partner (now my husband and his step-dad) daddy almost immediately. I felt a little embarrassed at first too, but it just felt right. I talked to my partner about it, and he said he was fine with it. He's been "Daddy" ever since, and that was about five years ago.

    By the way, my husband is more of a "daddy" than my ex-husband will ever be.

    There doesn't really seem to be a problem here, but if it really bothers you, then perhaps you should call your partner by his name if that's what you prefer your son to call him.

  3. hi at this age daddy is just a work and can be assorted to any male who's around so as he grows up he will realise whats what.

  4. an electronic dog collar?

  5. try telling him to call 'daddy' by his first name

  6. This is just my opinion but I think your son has a right to call someone Daddy and your partner is being a Daddy and the biological father is clearly not a Daddy sooooooo is this just your issue with everyone else being fine about it? Unless i saw the relationship as very casual and not long-term I would just go with the flow. Best Wishes

  7. Why are you so embarrassed? As far as I see it, it's an issue between the two of them. If your partner is cool with it, it's all good. Your little boy is smart enough to know who his daddy is. Real daddies are the guys who hang around and do daddy things like making toast and playing bouncy games. The guy who donated DNA then cleared off isn't worth the title. Guys like that deserve dull and unfamilar titles like "biological father."

    You could probably get him to stop by telling him off all the time, but I really don't see it as a problem. Like I said, I don't even think it's really your business. It's a "man to man" thing. There's times when mum's have to roll their eyes and leave the boys to it. I think this is one of those times. Calling this non-biological guy "Daddy" doesn't make you any less his Mum.

  8. its just a thing toddlers go through. mine went through a stage every man was called daddy.  just say no . but if you and your partner are serious whats the harm.

  9. If your partner doesnt mind then give it a go. Maybe it would be more comfortable for you if he called your partner daddy in the privacy of your own home?

  10. Sounds to me that your partner is his Daddy.

    Not his birth Daddy but his real one.

  11. Just keep correcting him and he will grow out of it very quickly! Kids at age go through stages but they grow out of them very quickly!

  12. If your partner isn't bothered, why worry about it?

    He's the one who's being the real father to him by spending time with him and caring for him.

  13. Have you talked to your partner about it? Maybe he is happy to be called daddy, he may well see himself as a kind of daddy to him. Your boy is obviously needing a father figure in his life at the moment, Talk to your partner and set out what is what, If he doesnt want to be called daddy, Just explain to him that this man isnt his daddy, but he will be there if he needs him.

  14. Why does it bother you? It doesnt bother your boyfriend, and your son loves him to death . Why woulnd't you want him to call him daddy..  

  15. Figure out what you would like your son to call your partner and make sure to use that name around your son and anytime they are together. You can also try having your partner not acknowledge him when he calls him daddy and only when he uses the other name.

  16. someone has taught him to do this. Kids do not call someone Daddy unless they have been taught. Find out who it is and ask them to stop. Reinforce his name.

    "Can you give this ball to ....."

    "Take this to ....."

    Can you ask......where the"

    it will help him to call him by name

  17. explain to him that he is not his daddy just a good friend of mummy's

  18. Tell him that is just the plumber.

  19. Dont even think about stopping him. Clearly he feels a strong attachment to your partner and he is not the one who is embarrassed - you are. Rather see it as your sons "nickname" for the one he has so much fun with and speak to your partner about it. My guess is that he is completely chuffed that your son calls him Daddy and my further guess is that he would be very dissappointed if you stopped it.At 2 1/2 he doesnt even begin to understand what is wrong with "Daddy" so relax.Talk to the other half and as long as he is cool just go with the flow.

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