
How do I stop losing and forgetting things?

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I am 11 years old and it is my first year in middle school. I get straight A's and am very creative and ambitious. However, I am always losing things and forgetting things.

I remember things that need to be done. My problem is leaving things somewhere and forgetting where they are or leaving something somewhere when I was supposed to take it somewhere else. So far, this year, I have lost:

2 lunchboxes, 1 hat, gym clothes, lots of pencils, a necklace, and also things that I found b/c of luck like: my cell phone(2 or more times), current lunchbox, my binder...

Currently I can't find my clarinet. I am pretty organized and very neat most of the time, I am just forgetful. Does anyone have any ideas for me to remember things, like to take my gym clothes, etc.? Or maybe it's just bad luck...




  1. I was like that when I was pregnant so I can give you a few tips.

    Write it down. If you have instructions to get something or do something... write it down.

    When I put something down that was important... I would pause and say to myself 'I am now taking a mental picture of me putting this important receipt on top of the fridge. So when I want this receipt, I will know that it is on top of the fridge. And when I come back for it, I will remember to look on top of the fridge'. If I said that 3 times, I would remember where it was.

    Also, before I would leave the store, or the house, or work, or the kids school....everytime I was leaving somewhere... I would pause and say to myself "Calm, breathing.... now, do I have everything that I need? What do I need to bring home, or to the van? Do I have all that I need?" and mentally go over what you will require to have with you at the next place.

    Those were some tips. They didn't help all the way, but they sure made a big difference.

  2. You sound exactly like my boys. This is just something you will have to work at. Their gifted teacher told me that she sees disorganization a lot with gifted children and that it is often a trait. I think a lot of it has to do with how much they take on. My oldest has lost things like drums, a leather coat, and he often forgets to do things, like take money to school for things. He is extremely involved in school activities, whereas my youngest, who is also forgetful at times, even when he is reminded several times, isn't as bad, but is not as involved with things. Maybe you are taking on too many things and if reducing your activities isn't an option, use a planner that you share daily with your parents and hopefully this will help you out.

  3. Wow im like exactly like you and im in middle school too...Some things I've learned to help me stay organized are:

    1)When you get an important paper...never stick it straight into your sure to put it in a good place (planner, folder for that subject, etc.)

    2)Write down all of your home work in your planner or agenda even if you think you'll remember it.

    3) Make sure you always have a pencil/pen and some paper

    4) Don't let girls get you distracted (or if you're a girl the opposite...dontl et boys distract you.

    5) Stay focused and pay attention in class

    At my school, turning in something even a day late wuill earn me a ZERO (0). So make sure you keep track of everything, stay organized, and turn in everything on time.

  4. They say the more senses you use the better you will remember.  This helps me, whenever I put something down, I tell myself, out loud, what I am doing.  Like, "I'm putting my keys on the dining room table."  It sounds  lame, and people will wonder why you're talking to yourself, but it works.  Good luck finding your clarinet!

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