
How do I stop missing my partner who is overseas?

by  |  earlier

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Sometimes i'm ok, other times i miss him excessively (like tonight). He's been gone 1 month & he'll be there for another 2 mths. I sent him a msg asking him if he'll be home later so i can call him because i started working full time for the first time 2 days ago as a teacher. I was hoping he'd be there to support me. He hasn't replied yet (an hour later) & I'm about to go to bed. I also called his mobile twice. Should I wait for him 2 contact me now? I didn't make too much contact did I? (he'll have 2 missed calls + my text)




  1. if u miss him u mus tell him.

    he mus miss u also . im sure he will contact u. goodluck

  2. maybe he was busy aswell why e couldnt answer...but the question is busy doing what? he must have seen the calls and txt. he might not have sure he would contact you if he did. maybe he has found someone why he couldnt answer or respond...sorry love but you gotta face facts

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