
How do I stop missing people so much?

by Guest32327  |  earlier

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I'm a high schooler and this summer I went to Central America on a leadership adventure program and it was the best experience of my life. There were over 30 other high schoolers non of whom I had ever met, from all over the world. The trip was absolutely amazing on an emotional level as well. I became so close with everyone and I miss them all so much! We talk on facebook but its hardly enough. I miss them so much and I feel so bored at home now its depressing! How do I get over it?




  1. Get over it.  

  2. just meet new people

  3. Well, you can get their phone on the phone. You can try to meet one of them somewhere (if you live close enough). This is kinda cheesy, but when I miss my mom when I go to a different state I picture her as my pillow and I hug it to death. Good luck.

    (that was really cheesy huh)

  4. realize that life goes on... thank god for facebook imagine if there werent any social networking sites or instant messaging lol... mayb u can plan a reunion some day...when u guys r older then u can see how ppl have changed and how their lives are... everyone misses others sometimes... it happens...  

  5. I get like that every time I leave NYC, I even cried on the plain ride home cause I knew the excitment wouldnt be there anymore! I just try 2 create the same enviornment. Even though the clubs here dont even compare I get dressed up & dance all night, only difference is the time they close & lack of hot Italian guys *sigh* lol try not 2 think about it in that way, just make it happen.

  6. Visit Them Or Something..

    Or You Could Hang Out With Your Old Good Friends From Home Alot More.

    Its Fine.

  7. You learn to deal with it. Life is full of changes. You change classes and classmates every year, as well a Teachers. then you will be leaving home to go away to College, again you leave others behind you love and you learn to make the transition, and get busy with classes and making new friends. You already have some experience, in your past. Have you not missed a special friend or a Teacher you liked. Yes these partings can be painful, but you are get over it, and recall the wonderful experience you have had. Find some new friends at home they are interesting as well , just give them a chance.  

  8. The eternal question I hear ya too i miss my friends sooo much who moved back to somewhere that is to far for her to drive cause of money :(

  9. well u should.................................o... i gt 2points

  10. Get back with your friends at home?

  11. "How do I stop missing people so much?"

    Improve your aim in life.

  12. Maybe you all should plan something so you all can meet up every summer or something

  13. i do not know hun my kids got taken so I'm am in your shoes i know what u feel the pain so i guess time will tell but untell then who  knows  

  14. Join a social chat group on the internet, or buy something new to keep you positive and .

  15. Ya I know exactly how you feel. You go to camps or someplace, meet some AMAZING people and then all of a sudden they are gone... I usually try to talk to them and txt them and then try to go on a vacation with them such as have all of them meet at a certain place for a vacation and have it someplace different every year. Even your parents could meet their parents and so on. You wont be able to see them much though since you all live in different parts of the world but when you guys do se eachother make sure you make every moment with them the best ever.

  16. your young alot of people will come and go - get over it.

  17. Your problem is that You keep thinking about them Just dont think of Them meet New people Do new things and Guess what? You'll forget about them Lol

  18. Target practice.

    Ah no, seriously, that sounds like it was a really great experience and it would be normal for you to miss them, you met people who you got on great with and that can be hard to find, I'd feel the same.

    Try and arrange visits, or maybe try to meet people closer to home and make some awsome friends that way who will not be miles away.

    Maybe start a club on this 'facebook' buisness, or bebo for an interest you have, eg. horses, or camping, or Al Pacino, or whatever you're into! You might meet some good people close by that you can arrange to meet.

    I dunno, use you're imagination!

    Good luck!!!

  19. call, email, facebook is good enough too.

    Just be grateful that you have still maintained the connection with them! and appreciate the times you communicate with them & you will appreciate the time you spend together when you see them in person.

    Then try to make short trips (to those who are in nearby states) during school breaks - you didn't say if all the students were international or not-

    my daughter has kept in touch with friends who she was close with in JH who have since moved to France & they still keep in touch.

  20. It takes a long time for the heart to forget, but the mind never will. Especially if this person is someone you loved. Just take it day by day and the lord will help you get through. Just ask him for guidance. He is the only one that helped me when the love of my life passed away 2 years ago. I still have never forgot him and never will, but it just takes time to heal and get your old self back again. Listen to your heart.

  21. you just gotta keep busy. try getting together with your friends from school  

  22. Just arrange to visit them often or have them visit you.

  23. Get a life.

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