
How do I stop my blister from hurting so badly?

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I went for a walk yesterday for about 15 miles and ran about 8 of them but I got 2 big ol' blisters on my foot. How do I stop them from hurting so bad and will I keep getting blisters if I run this far or will my feet just get used to that kind of running?




  1. Your feet will eventually get used to it. But for now, take a sterile needle, like a sewing needle, and insert it into the blister just enough to drain the liquid. Don't pull the skin off!! Keep it on to protect the raw skin underneath. Put an antibiotic over the blisters and top it off with a band-aid. That should relieve some of the pain.  

  2. Band-Aid has a specific bandage for blisters. It works wonderfully and heals them quickly. If you continue to run the areas where the blisters are will eventually turn into calluses. If you want to run when the blisters are still healing use duct tape. The band-aid or medical tape slips when you sweat. Duct tape stays in place and relieves a little of the rubbing.

  3. pop the blister and drain it and then put some neosporn on it and a really padded bandaid. always seems to help me. you can also take a few ib profen to ease the pain.  and no you wont keep getting the blisters if you continue to run this much. eventually it just turns into calice so your skin will become alot tougher and you wont be able to get blisters at all.

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