
How do I stop my bunk bed from squeaking whenever I or the person above me moves?

by  |  earlier

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It's new, and it's metal. I already tried WD-40, but I can't find the source of the squeaking.

Help. D:




  1. Oil it in every place that you can find or try to spray the WD40 on all the metal you see and the legs as well.  Sometimes Baby Powder in the holes of the legs will stop the squeak.

  2. hmm.....they're called...earplugs!

  3. make sure all the bolts are tight.its probably where the two bed connect so you culd try some mystery oil there

  4. i had a problem like you..

    what i did was use an alan key and s***w it harder in.

    s***w urs tight so it tightens the whole bed

  5. grease the springs

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