She wakes me up at least three times a night, sometimes waking my baby too. She howls outside the door. I sometimes spray her with water but she just doesn't care. She runs away as soon as I open the door now, as she knows what is coming. I am really tired of it. I can't shut her in any other room cause the house we rent doesn't have doors on the kitchen or lounge (weird I know) We only have a roof terrace which is small, so I feel bad putting her out there. I have tried feliway to calm her. If we keep the bedroom door open she urinates on the bed! Any ideas, I really love her and don't want to give her up, but it is driving me insane. Our other cat, her sister, is as good as gold!
By the way, she was like this before the baby was born, it's just that now I have a baby and a cat waking me, it's beginning to get to me a bit