
How do I stop my fish from biting my other fish' tails?

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I have a 10 gallon tank and here are the types of fish I have in it: Convict Cichlid, Albino Cichlid, blue cichlid, yellow lab cichlid, Demasoni Cichlid, Cory, Pleco, upside down catfish, and a Kuhli loach.

Ok Well I just recently got the Demasoni at a local pet store but I didnt really know alot about them, so I brought him home and put him i the tank then the next day I noticed some of my Albino Cichlids tail was gone and I took in consideration that he might of caught it on something. Then the next day I saw that a chunk of my Cory's tail was missing so then i was getting worried. And we recently just went on vacation and we got back a couple of days ago and my Cory's tail was pretty much GONE! So off to the pet store I went and I got the pleco and the Convict Cichlid and today I noticed that pieces of his tail were missing too. So I sat down and watched the fish and I noticed that the Demasoni is the one eating their tails. And I was wondering if anyone can help me with this?





  1. well first you should  put that fish in a diffrent bowl with no other fish . then you should buy diffrent kind of food. your fish might be bitting the other fishes because it dislikes the food.

    or it just wants to be alone for a while.take the fish out of the bowl its alone in, and put in the original tank  one day  a week and keep on doing that until it stops bitting the other fish.

  2. might have too many fish in one tank..and also certain types of fish dont really get along so gotta watch out for dont wanna buy no more fish because they will start getting agressive and start eatting each other specially the old fish because they will get mad that other fish are coming to their home and just get ride of em..haha..sounds weird but ive watchd my moms fish do it

  3. like tyhey all say seperate thim duh

  4. You can't change a fish's DNA.  You picked a lot of agressive fish, crammed way too many in too small a space, and threw together incompatible fish.  Eeek.  The more agressive ones will slowly kill the others.

  5. Separate the fish, or just get rid of him. I personally think you might have to many fish for such a small tank, so the Demasoni is probably trying to show ownership of the tank. Get your fish some medicated food that helps with fin rot, because it will help the tail grow back quicker.

  6. Here check this website I think it has all the information you need.


                                     Hope i helped!

  7. your tank is massively overstocked, and ill-stocked also.

    the demasoni, yellow lab and i suspect the blue cichlid are all African Cichlids that need to be in an African Cichlid species tanks, take these fish back to the store, African Cichlid set ups should not be attempted in any less than 55 gallons. they need a high pH whereas the others need lower pH.

    demasoni's in particular are known to be quite aggressive and should really only be kept in groups of 12 or more of their own kind in a minimum of 55-65 gallons, only compatible with other mbuna cichlids.

    the convict needs 20-30 gallons or more, its an american cichlid and shouldn't be with africans.

    the cory needs to be in groups of 3 or more of its own species. as does the upside down synodontis. the pleco, depending on species, is probably also going to massively outgrow your tank, plecos are incredibly messy fish.

    if i were you i would get rid of everything except maybe the cory and start again.

  8. put them in timeout...

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