
How do I stop my green potted Cordyline's central spike from drooping over?

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The rest of the leaves look healthy. Its about 6 foot tall and the only changes to it was a feeding of fish blood and bone a few weeks ago and a very wet summer. I'm going to put it in a larger pot with better drainage today, but would appreciate any advice. Thanks.




  1. you hit on the problem yourself... too much water... both cordyline and dracaena react to an overload of water by the trunk softening... and the soft trunk cannot support the weight of the top foliage, so you get a curve.... you putting it in a larger pot with better drainage is good, but it won't fix the curve... nothing will.... I'd wait until the plant is over the shock of transplant, and a little longer, like till spring, when it can be outside, and interested in new growth,  and cut it... plant the top to have a new plant, encourage the trunk part to make new sprouts and cut out the curve and perhaps cut it into chunks to try starting new plants from those pieces.... or not, depending on how much room you  have or how many plants you want..... it takes a while for them to sprout, but they will eventually, with good care.....

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