
How do I stop my guinea pigs peeing in the corners?

by  |  earlier

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I've had them on fleece for about 3 months now, and they do use their litter tray a lot. Have blocked one corner with toys, however they still pee in the other two corners (where they sleep). They don't do it anywhere else on the fleece, only the corners.

I regularly disinfect and spray the area to try and deodourise it, but still they do it.

Is there any way of stopping them, I mean they sleep there - I always thought they were clean and don't mess their bed area.




  1. Pigs typically will pick a place in their cage where they like to pee and stick to it so braking your pigs of that habit will be difficult as they naturally return to the same spot over and over again. The only thing that I can suggest is that you place one of their bowls in the corner to discourage them from peeing there,  

  2. I remember mine used to pee in it's bed area. I don't think there's any problems though, you keep it clean so it'll be fine.

  3. Guinea pigs normally to that so do hamsters. It's their normal behaviour.

  4. You can get small animal litter trays but they will never stop peeing in the corners x  

  5. They will use the corners as this is normal rodent behaviour. The best option is to make sure the cage is cleaned regularly, and I would advise wood shavings as the wet bedding can be cleared out daily and thrown away, although they still need disinfecting once a week. If they have a problem with their bedding being whet when they sleep they will move.

  6. I don't think you can stop it. They pee and p**p wherever. They tend to go in corners more and under their houses or beds. You can try putting a litter box there.  

  7. Maybe you could keep the fleece away from the corners - ours always did it there - you are lucky they do it in a litter tray

  8. to be honest as long as you are cleaning the cage at least once a week the piggies won't mind. piggies like to pee in the same place. i wouldn't try to change their habit

    perhaps you could invest in a hammock so that they could sleep on that. my piggie adores his and no longer sleeps on the ground of his cage.

    try this web site - very well made and a good price. easy to fit and clean

  9. They natually do that. g****a Pigs feel it's safe to pee in a corner. They like their pravacy.

  10. you can put it in a big container!

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  11. Mine do the same thing and they do it with poo but at the pet shop they were trained to wee and poo in contaniers to keep the hay clean for people to look at i put a container for poo out and she does it in there and i got a big container for wee but she wouldnt go so i gotr a really low one and burried it it the chipping so the rim way just on the top and put some chippings inside and she does it in there now

  12. That's what they do, They just back up and do their thing. you can't train a guinea pig, if you can, let me know!

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