
How do I stop my gums from bleeding?

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I neglected my teeth for a long while and have recently began taking better care of them. I brush twice daily and use mouth wash but my gums still bleed a lot. I don't have money for a dentist. Is there anything I can do at home to help the situation




  1. You have Gingivitis.  You kinda need to go to the dentist to get prescribed a special rinse.  talk to your local pharmacist and ask if there's something over the counter you can use.  I also recommend flossing regularly.  My dentist says it's more important than brushing.  Good Luck!

  2. the reason why its bleeding a lot is because u havent brushed ur teeth in a long time my dentist told me, u should keep brushing ur teeth it will stop, happens to me all the time

  3. yes  brush GENTLY with a soft tooth brush. stop useing the mouth wash, it's way to harsh.. you can mix 1/2 water and 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and swish it in your mouth then brush. you can also use the same mix with baking soda in place of tooth paste. but be gentle, and softly brush over your gums.

  4. Just keep on brushing. Make sure you brush your gums but not too hard. You are doing the right thing. It will just take time for it to stop. Just don't think that the blood is a bad thing. It only is if you aren't brushing.

  5. Keep doing what you are doing. I'd suggest flossing too. the gums will bleed a bit, but it will go away with time. There's not much else you can do unless you go to a dentist.  

  6. You need to see a dental professional.

    If you've neglected your teeth for quite some time, you may have periodontal disease, and no amount of brushing/rinsing/flossing is going to cure that.

    I understand that money is a concern... see if there are any dental schools or dental hygiene schools in your area. Often, these will do your work at a discount or even for free.

    What happens when you neglect your oral health for an extended period of time is: Bacteria settles beneath your gumline and calcifies into calculus (aka tartar). Your gum tissue starts to pull away from your tooth, so the bacteria starts to settle deeper and deeper until eventually it reaches your bone. You can't get this off... only a dental professional can - they'll get you numb and then 'scale' the roots of your teeth to remove the deposits. (Sounds nasty... it's really not. It's quite simple!)  Once the bacteria reaches your bone, your bone will begin to basically dissolve. This is how most people with dentures end up losing their teeth... their bone disappears until there is not enough to support their teeth any longer.

    Some additional things to consider: Your oral health affects your overall health. People with gum disease (periodontal disease) have increased risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes (among other things...)

    You really don't want to ignore this.

    Good luck!

  7. dont try brushing so hard! i remember when i used to bleed too and my dentist told me not to brush so hard

  8. Get a softer toothbrush.. there is a ton of brands, some only 3 dollars and just keep brushing! I promise it will get better.. thats just from neglecting the teeth, don't stop brushing, give it two weeks and it should stop!

  9. as stated, maybe you should save up to see a dentist for a gooooood clean up. especially if you haven't been in a long time and have been neglecting your teeth.

    it's normal for your gum to bleed. After an appointment and cleaning with brushing, flossing and mouthwashing twice a day, things can only go on the right track. though your gums wont heal in a  matter of days. goodluck!

  10. That's normal. Just keep brushing every day and it should stop. If it doesn't stop, then you might have gum disease. The only way to fix it is to get a deep cleaning from the dentist. If you don't, it'll get worse.

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