
How do I stop my step-sister from killing herself?

by  |  earlier

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Before someone says she's emo, read:

1. She's not emo, she doesn't know the meaning of it and she's past it, she's in college.

2. She's not stupid, actually, she's too smart. Overthinking things and knowing too much is a downfall.

Okay, so someone important to her died, and now she's the same... but she finds nothing funny or smiles or nothing! She just goes to college, still getting good grades, she still has her job, she just doesn't talk to anyone unless its topic-related to something straight... she doesn't do anything but still does everything. She's destroying herself and figuring out a way to finish herself off without making it appear like it!

I have no idea how to explain it. She overthinks things and I don't know how to get her to be more like me; clueless and happy.

I haven't told my mom. She's not my blood-sister but she IS important to me and I love her all the same. How do I stop her?




  1. u cld say dat her dad loves her but he was not de only 1 and dat der are still pple around u dat love and wen u die other ppple will get sad and DEY mite wanna kill demself and u dont want dem 2 b in dat position.tell her dat her dad died happi and he wants her 2 move on and no dat her dad will always b by her side .it can b hard 4 a love 1 2 pass away but she gotta do her part and live on<hope it helps>^^

  2. be with her as much as you can and smile always try to make her understand that everyone is with her. Try to make her laugh and tell her that she is only make things worse for you and and your family if she keeps this up.

    this is from me to ur sis:

    don't take life too seriously, no one will get out alive...

  3. Tell ur step-parent.  She has to help herself.  You can't help her.

  4. you have to tell someone and get her some help...

  5. Shows how much of a good heart you have to actually care...seriously tell as many people as you know she might take things too far, depression is not a good thing and it may get worse...

  6. A couple of questions to clarify the situation--

    has she actually told you (or have you overheard) that she thinks of killing herself?

    if so, did she swear you to secrecy?

    If she didn't tell you not to talk with your parents, you need to do it now, and they need to get her professional help, not just tell her to cheer up.  I'm sure her college has free counseling services.

    She might be embarrassed to have them do that kind of intervention with her, but on the other hand she might be tremendously relieved and grateful that someone is taking care of her.

    If she did swear you to secrecy, that's harder.  You might tell her that she needs to go to a counselor or you will tell the parents.  Being firm could save her life.

    I know you wish you could make her happy, but it sounds like she is in the middle of a serious depression, and she needs more help than you can give.  I'm sorry that you have to deal with taking care of her when you're so young, but you must be a great sister for her to share her feelings with you.  

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