
How do I stop my toddler from puking when upset?

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My 20 month old girl is normally very happy and healthy. However when she decides she really wants something and we deny her she gets terribly upset. We have to give her a lot of attention, and distract her from it because if we ignore the bad behavior (which worked with my first daughter) she will get so upset that she'll throw up. Then we have to give her attention b/c she is covered in puke. We never give her the item back that she is vying for, the only reward she really receives is the attention. This does not happen every day (maybe once every few weeks) and is not related to what she eats. How do I stop this behavior? Or are we stuck till she outgrows it?




  1. My nephew does that with his mother (and it has exactly the effect he's looking for) so my younger son tried it with me.

      You can probably tell when she's getting to the point that she's gonna puke. What I did is tell my son if he pukes, the toy he wants will go to his cousin (guaranteeing it will be broken within minutes!)/the treat he wants will be thrown out/ the chance for whatever it is he is looking for is long gone. AND!!! I do not clean up puke from brats. When they are sick, sure, but if he's gonna make himself puke, then he's got to clean it up.

      He tried me on it once, and when he had to clean it up, he really did puke! Granted, he was two when this started, you may not be able to force her to clean it up (but it's worth a try!).

  2. she needs to stop the behavior as soon as it starts--not when she is to the point of puking!  I'd get down on her level and give her a firm no while looking in her eyes.  As soon as she continues, I'd swat her behind, repeatedly saying "no" calmly.  I'd repeat the swat about every five seconds (you have to make sure the swat stings) until she stops and calms down.  Of course then you should hug her and tell her that mom won't allow her to throw tantrums anymore.  Regardless of what you think about spanking, this worked the first time I tried it with my extremely difficult first-born, and his tantrums then stopped COMPLETELY after a few days.  Do not tolerate a tantrum even starting.  My second-born didn't even throw a single tantrum because we didn't allow it.  You are the boss.  She needs to obey you.

  3. she will not stop if she is getting the attention she wants. i know someone who's child made herself throw up every day at school so she could go home and finally they just started ignoring her and she stoped. i know this sounds disgusting but on jon and kate plus 8 one of their daughters will make herself throw up to get what she wants and the way they stopped it was that one time (and one time only) when she threw up on purpose they told her that she couldn't change into a clean outfit. so now every time she starts making herself gag her mom says "if you make yourself throw up you have to wear your throwup clothes for the rest of the day" and she immediately stops. that may  help.. .if not i have no idea.

    good luck!

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