
How do I stop myself from looking so white in photos?

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I am really fair skinned and the camera flash makes me look like a ghost. How can I overcome this?

p.s. I can't wear darker foundation or fake tan as it makes me look wierd and too dark.

Thanks x




  1. change the settings on the camera to sunny  :)

  2. I think your best bet would be to opt for more natural lighting. Try having your portraits taken outside where the lighting will be warmer. Also, are you taking the shots, or is someone else. It it's a pro photographer they should be able to overcome this problem.

  3. Fluffy, my sister has the same problem (she's pale), and her solution is to seek different lighting and avoid the need for the flash at all. Open blinds or curtains, turn on every lamp and tilt the shades, or go outside.

    A serious photographer can, of course, light you from elsewhere. An amateur photographer can shoot you from farther away, making the flash farther away, then crop the photo, too.

    Tip from my sister: avoid mineral-based foundation, which reflects white, when you know you might be photographed.

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