
How do I stop peeing when I laugh?

by  |  earlier

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I never used to have this problem, but lately whenever I laugh I lose bladder control. This also happens when I sneeze and once when I had the hiccups.




  1. haha that happens to me all the time lol. maybe wear depends [diapers for adults/kids] or just go pee more often so you don't have to pee all the time lol. or, just leave the room when something funny is going on, so you don't have a reason to laugh.  

  2. When we fly my wife Mary puts goodnites on our sons(ages 7&9).  You could try adult diapers or if you find them to be too bulky just put a tampon in it.

  3. you just gotta hold it in

  4. bladder infection...take 2 of warm milk and go to be...then call me in the morning...that will be $100.00 please...

  5. your muscles need strengthing do squats  

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