
How do I stop people from calling me a Dumb Blonde?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i just act like my normal self, I laugh and giggle alot, look at the mirror to fix my hair, look at my nails alot, and I like to shop. And I have slow reaction and say retarted things. I'm not even blonde and people still call me dumb. I'm in a few honor classes and I have a high iq. Whenever people call me dumb, it just hurts my feelings, I don't want 2 be like this forever, I just want to be normal, but i don't want to pretend to be someone I'm not. What do I do???

I only want serious answers, I'm not dying my hair any color, I just don't know how to react to people when they call me dumb, I just usually agree with them and laugh it off, but in the inside it hurts my feelings.

I'm sorry for the long paragraghs. I need someone's help.




  1. be smart enough not to let that c**p bother you...

  2. Hey, when people are jealous, they say bad things because they can't do anything else. So, completely ignore them. If they do it alot then ask them to stop with some anger. Sometimes you have to do things rough. And always be yourself as you are doing it. And one more thing, too much make over doesn't look good but it makes you look like a freak.

  3. dye your hair or stop bein dumb

  4. Wear a hat

  5. Start cutting them off at the knees (so to speak).  Watch stuff like that jerk guy on American Idol, and other jerks out there.  I mean people who can say such astonishingly mean things with such skill and speed that the victim cannot respond.  And then only use that ability in those specific situations when someone questions your intelligence.  They'll think twice about their judgment of you then.

  6. well, why are you saying dumb blonde, but you don't like being called dumb?

  7. Comebacks can  be either pre=planned "canned" responses.. or the result of spur of the moment "Think on your feet" speed.

        My first thought is that when faced with those predicaments... You tend to overthink what you should say in response. To an outsider DEEP thought can look eerily like "EMPTY" thought. Could it be that while you're considering the best reply, they're sticking with the lame but shallow-quick?

       Instead of waiting for an event like that, try going over past situations. Try coming up with a sharp witted retort to what's said to you. When you do REMEMBER THEM... Next, try and imagine future confrontations..  In these, come up with retorts to whatever you think of the imaginary bully saying. REMEMBER THOSE.    

      You'll find that over time, you've begun to create "canned" responses to pretty much anything a person can come up with. With enough brainpower behind them, they're gonna be more cutting than a spur of the moment reply... AND it'll appear to be pretty much instant that you thougth of it. It's a matter of using that "DAMMIT! I should have thought of THAT" effect we all have regarding what we SHOULD have said.  

  8. Try to ignore them as much as possible.  When they laugh at something silly you did - laugh right along with them.  It's important to have a sense of humor about yourself.

    On the other hand, maybe they think you're cute when they treat you that way, or just cute in general... dont take it so personally.  

    I'm sorry you're dealing with those creeps.  You just hold your chin up and be proud.  Don't let them know it hurts your feelings.  When it starts to happen, just walk away.  That way you wont have to hear it.

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