
How do I stop putting off studying for a inportant exam?

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I am an older student with a home a family to take care of, and I have trouble feeling guilty about making time to study. I feel my house cleaning or child need my attention. I really need to start asap but just can't seem to.




  1. I thought this was the Special Ed section, not homework?

  2. If the exam is one week away, study so much each night.  Set aside a certain time if you can, and a certain amount.  You'll be glad you did.  House cleaning can wait.  Your child can't so find some time for him/her.

  3. Do you have test anxiety? That could be the cause of your procrastination.

  4. Stop feeling guilty and study. Open that book and get busy. Your children will benefit from your newly aquired knowledge at a later date. They will survive. You must take the bull by the horns and tell yourself that you deserve this time for you. It is not always about someone else. You need to be selfish once in a while or you will cease to exist. You are trying to better yourself. So just do it. Don't worry about the house, it will still be there when you are done. Don't worry about the kids, they will adapt. Take the time for yourself and you will feel better about yourself. Now go get that book and open it up.

  5. study in 20 min incriments no more no less

  6. I'm currently revising for an exam that's the week after next and I'm trying really hard to just get on with it and not put it off. Granted I don't have children but I do work and have lots of other commitments that are having to be balanced with my revision. My advice would that when your child is older they would probably hate to think you spoilt your chances of improving yourself because of them. Try and set aside about an hour a day to study, maybe when your child is sleeping, then at least you'll have some information going in a bit at a time. At the end of the day your house cleaning can be done a bit at a time too (I am a house cleaning crazy person so I totally relate to wanting to keep up with it but you need to prioritise your exam in to the equation too). Good luck with it and don't give up. After all it's within your power to find the time to revise and you owe it to yourself and your child to do the best you can in the exam.

  7. 40 something and just graduated with a degree, feels wonderful. Sooooo many times I had the same feelings as you, I think the problem was, and is the particular class did not interest us to much, because things that you really like will keep you busy for hours, but you need the class to complete your education, it is like choosing between desert or eating vegetables. The only advice I can offer you is to keep trying and do not give up, complete this class, then put them books in a box.

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