
How do I stop relying on pressure to get work done? In other words, how do I stop procrastinating?

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I usually can't get any work done unless I'm under some kind of extreme pressure, and sometimes, I'm under so much pressure, that I end up not getting the work done at all. Can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance!!!!




  1. What really helps me is making a detailed list and planning out exactly how I'm going to finish a project, with mini-deadlines for yourself (ie milestones)

    That way, you break a big project into a series of smaller things, which are way easier to accomplish.


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  2. Before doing anything, make a list of things to be done for the day. For some people, this may mean writing it down, others can get away with making a mental picture. Number these tasks according to priority, i.e, the most important down to the least important.

    Next, start doing the most important according to your list and work your way down. Consider rewarding yourself in some healthy manner for the day. This can bring closure to the pressure and stress.

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