
How do I stop seeing females as sexual objects?

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I'm a teenager and whenever I see a female the first thing I do is judge her for s*x. It feels like I can't have a relationship/feelings with a female except for s*x. How do I stop this?




  1. try to make it a habit to find out one good (non sexual) thing about every girl talk to  

  2.   your Mother, your Sister, your Daughter ?

    It's called "family"

  3. Have your prostate removed.

    There's nothing wrong with seeing females sexually. That is how the species perpetuates. All you have to do is respect certain boundaries, that's all.

    And besides, many women like it when you see them as attractive. It's not a bad thing and women look at men just as sexually.

    John Lucas

  4. by seeing them as not a sexual object. it starts with yourself, with your attitude towards them, with your thinking about them. when you look at them with nothing but respect, it changes everything...

  5. It is not a problem; it is nature.

    You cannot be friends with a female if:

    A) she is attractive

    B) was hitherto a stranger

    C) You are single

    D) Have a sexual desire

    Stop getting so ethical. Society makes you believe that such thoughts are wrong. However, society attempts to modify the nature of our humanity in vane and paltry ways, in order that a more preferable ,"ideal" mode of behavior be established.

    And clearly, you feeling guilty for....--for nothing, to be honest--is symptomatic of societal meddling.

    If you truly want a female friend, go get yourself a girlfriend and have s*x. Then you will increase your odds of not wanting to **** every girl you meet.

  6. You don't, you can't, nor should you. Don't let anyone try to make you feel bad about yourself for something that is perfectly natural. If, however, you can't see past it for more intrinsic values you may have a problem. s*x alone is pretty shallow. Cold hearted s*x is not that great. Loving s*x is very fulflling and a great deal more fun.You will eventually understand.  

  7. I have the same problem. I wonder if everyone else thinks the same way.  

  8. Peapod couldn't be more right.

    Going through adolescence it is unusual to not think about "hotness" or sexuality first bit, and I love Peapod's advice: realize that may be your first thought, whether you like it or not. Move past it as soon as you have it, and don't stress over it.

    It will pass with time, and the less of a deal you make about it/the less you worry about it/the less you focus on it, the less of a problem it will be and the sooner it will pass.

    But I can't stress that enough: The way to beat that sort of thought is NOT to fight it, not to focus on it, and not to resist it. That only makes it worse. Just chuckle, agree with the thought, and then lead your mind into a better place. Ask yourself if she's as pretty inside as she is outside, and channel that energy into getting to know her!

  9. you are a teenage boy of course the first thing you are going to think about is s*x.  After that first thought go ahead and look past that.

  10. the first step in solving a problem is admitting you have a problem, so you're on your way....

    why don't you try seeing them as something they're not? like ugly?... ok, that may not be the best idea.... maybe couseling of some sort will help...

  11. I now appreciate why girls have gender-exclusive discussions.

    The thoughts themselves aren't a problem.  If this is still your mentality in your 20s, it might be, but we'll see.  Just make sure to behave somewhat decently anyway.

  12. ...think of them as a it...ewwwwww....good luck...

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