
How do I stop snacking?

by Guest21507  |  earlier

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I need a healthy diet because I want to do good at the bleep test at my school and also cross country, I need to be fit and ready how am I going to get prepared for the run and beat this girl at my school and how will I every stop munching on crisps!!!?




  1. well first you have to train, I mean excersise and when you do snack make sure its with healthy food!!!

    and drink lots of water, it fills you up a bit ad also makes ur skin look good so when your running ppl will look at u and theink wow!!


  2. just stop buying things first or keeping junk food in the house

  3. WILLPOWER!!!!! Its as simple as that, just dont put them in your mouth! Simple!

    If you really want to lose weight and have a healthy body then you need to do two things. Just two things. They are called EATING HEALTHY AND EXCERCISE!!!!!!!

    First of all you have to eat a healthy diet. This doesn't mean go on a crappy fad diet or starve yourself!!! It means that you make sure you eat 4 or even 5 small to medium meals a day. Each meal, apart from breakfast, (preferably fibre rich with fruit) should have a combination of protien (chicken/fish/soya etc), carbohydrates (pasta/rice/potatoes/etc), and vitamins, minerals and antioxidants (fresh fruit and veg). There are many easy ways to incorporate all these into every meal. This also doesn't mean you can never have pizza/takeaway/chocolate/etc, just save them for the occassional treat.

    Secondly you need to EXCERCISE. Cardio excercise is anything that will get you out of breath, your heart rate pumping and you sweating (running, swimming, cycling, etc) and is necessary for burning calories, shedding body fat and improving your overall fitness levels. Strength training basicaly improves the muscles and tones your body, this comes from weight training, core training (sit ups/planks/etc), stretching (such as yoga) and dynamic training. This is necessary to keep your body strong and supple and will also help you lose weight and tone up.

    This is only an extremely brief overview, but both of these are necessary to lose weight healthily, keep it off, and have a strong healthy body.

  4. Hey,

    To be healthy you have to eat a range of foods to have a balanced diet. Carbohydrates, fibre, protein, minerals, water, fats, calcium is what you need to be healthy. Have at LEAST 5 fruit and veg a day.

    You should plan out what you are going to eat each day eg:

    Breakfast:weetabix with yogurt with orange juice

    a banana for mid morning (to keep you going)

    Lunch: Chicken/cheese/ham salad sandwich with grapes for afters, with water.

    Tea-time: Fish in breadcrumbs or something with a veg(runner beans or something) and roast potatoes or something.

    Supper: a glass of milk.

    REMEMBER: a variety foods are better for you than the same old same old!

    To stop snacking: whenever you are hungry between meal eat fruit like a banana which will give you energy and keep you going until your next meal.

    Drink lots of water.

      Try to stay away from fatty foods. Remember practice makes perfect so do a little jog in the morning or after school.  GOOD LUCK!!! Hope you win- i did! :D

  5. there is no problem with snacking. It's just what you snack on.  

  6. Eat healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, yoghurt, vegetables etc. Fill up on healthy foods. It's ok to snack.

  7. diet

    pic me for the sake of it


  8. Dont stop snacking, there really good for you and your bodyies energry. The main thing is, is that you need healthy snacks like abit of fruit like an apple or a banana or if you wat something to fill you up abit try special K bars, there great and healthy for you. Good look with the cross country :)  

  9. just drink lots of water nd snack on healthy things like fruit and nuts!!!

  10. munch on raw veggies

  11. *This is all about willpower. You need to want it enough. Write down a bunch of reasons why you shouldn't snack, and why you need to be fit and healthy. Look at it every time you want to snack.

    *Every time you get a craving, count to 100 and think again of all the reasons you shouldn't snack.

    *Distract yourself. Tidy your room, do homework or something that will keep you occupied and take your mind off food.

    *If you live by yourself then get rid of all the tempting junk food in your house. If you live with parents, ask them to stop buying the junk and buy more fruit and other healthy snacks.

    *Make a scrap book of healthy, fit role models and look at it every time you get a craving for junk.

    *If you are a real junk food addict, follow the "cheat day" method. Eat very healthily for 6 days of the week, but on the 7th day allow yourself what you like. This could be a slice of cake when you are at lunch with friends, or instead, pizza for dinner if thats what you want. Have a bit of what you like, but make sure you don't go too overboard! This should satisfy your cravings and help you gain back some control. You can only have your cheat day if you have been good for the rest of the week!

      Good luck! I hope my suggestions helped!

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