
How do I stop snap hooking my driver?

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Does anybody have any sources for tips or drills that would help me out?




  1. Here is a sure fire drill.  Stand with feet shoulder width apart, bending at the hips, not the stomach, arms hanging comfortably from your sides and head slighlty bent forward, then open the phone book, find a good teaching pro and set up a lesson or two.  As one certified snap hooker, it's the best way.

  2. I'm not a pro, but the best way i know to keep from hooking is to buy a stiffer shaft, but until you do that try not go at it as hard because it will make the shaft flex more and will cause a hook.

  3. You are flipping your hands closed at impact.  You may want to weaken your grip a bit, especially your right hand (I am presuming you are right handed).  I fight a hook all the time so I try to concentrate and keep the back of my left hand pointed at the target through impact and hold it there when I notice my swing gets handsy.

    Also, try not to swing so hard.  Keep it fluid and easy and don't let your arms/hands outrace your hips/legs trough the swing.  Think 80% power.

  4. Check the following list for possible faults:

    Aim: Your clubface may be too closed.

    Grip: One or both of your hands may be twisted too far to the right. Check the V formed by your thumb and forefinger - it should be pointing inside your right shoulder, not outside.

    Ball position: The ball may be too far back in the stance.

    Stance: Not usually a problem but may be too wide.

    Body alignment: Shoulders aimed far too far to the right.

    Posture: Not normally a factor.

    Swing: You cannot hook the ball unless your clubface is going crazy through the strike. Generally the swing is too long so, the body gets to the ball before the club head and the hands turn over at the last minute.

    Golf coach tip: Keep the swing nice and short.

    You will find this hard to fix, because I also have had snap hooks and I do snap hook some still, otherwise you are probably hitting your driver pretty long when you catch it.

    You are snap hooking because of one of the above (I would say so)

    Go and take a 30mins lesson (£15-25) and the pro will tell you straight away which is your fault, and he/she will give you drills to fix it.

  5. The absolute best source for tips and drills is a golf instructor.  He or she will be able to see the actual cause and provide you with the drills to correct it right away....unlike the shotgun approach that you are going to get in Yahoo Answers

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