
How do I stop tail gating people when I drive?

by  |  earlier

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I've always had a problem with tail gating. However, I never really noticed. Then last Saturday, I hit someone at a light. I only hit them doing like 5 miles an hour, but obviously, since I did, it means I was clearly following to close. I feel sometimes like if I am not close to the driver in front of me, people around me assume I'm driving too slow and pass me. What are some steps I can take to not let this be such an issue? And what are some ways to improve my bad habit of tail gating?




  1. Make it easy for them to get them around you.

    Slow down so that they may pass you, or pull off to the side of the road completely.

    This may seem unfair, and you may have to swallow your pride to let the person get ahead of you.

    Don't tap your brakes thinking this will make the tailgater back off.

    More often, it aggravates them more, not to mention you're creating a dangerous situation in which you might be rear-ended.

  2. The car in front of you should pass an object TWO SECONDS before you pass the same object.  This will keep you properly spaced at all speeds!  Simple, effective, and safe.  So, if a car passes a pole, you should not pass the same pole until two seconds after, and if you pass it sooner, back off!  Good luck

  3. you know you have the problem and you know what it is, so just put your big boy shorts on and stop snivling..............

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