
How do I stop the clear coat on my Tahoe from peeling?

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The clear coat on my black 99 Tahoe is starting to peel on the edge of the hood. What can I do to stop it?




  1. There is nothing you can do to stop it from peeling. It is just a bit old and was probably a cheap clear coat they put on. You could take it to a paint shop and they can sand the clear coat off and out new on if it is really bothering you, but besides that you will just have to watch your car peel like a joke.  

  2. You may not like this, but once your clear coat starts to peel all you can do is have the body panel re-painted. There is no easy fix to clear coat failure other than a re-paint.

  3. it's a temp fix, but it will work......

    use steel wool to lightly rub the area that is peeling to remove any loose flakes.  Use clear nail polish to outline the seam where the clear coat has peeled.  Overlap the seam 1/2 inch on both sides.  This will prevent that area from peeling back further.  Note that once one area starts to peel, others will soon follow.  It sounds as if your Tahoe is in dire need of a good waxing to protect the finish.

    good luck  

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