
How do I stop the milk from engorging in my breast? I am ready to stop breast feeding!?

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I have been breastfeeding for two weeks now, however, my son will not latch on. I have tried speaking and meeting with a lactation consultant on several occasions as well as self monitoring. My son will not latch. Therefore, I was pumping every 2 to 3 hours, even during the night. My breast are feeling up fast and are very painful. I do know that nothing could actually replace breast milk, but I am going to feed him the next best thing --- Enfamil Lipil--- Any suggestions?




  1. Try feeding him Goats Milk. You can buy it at Wal-Mart. My mother used to feed it to my little brother because she wasn't producing enough milk. It is pretty close to mother's milk with the nutrients and all. It is much much better than cows milk!

    As for engorgement, use cabbage leaves:

    This web site will tell you how to do it properly. I would continue to practice nursing with him because he might still latch on, but try the cabbage leaves and goats milk. Good luck!

  2. You cant.

  3. I was the same as you wear a tight fitting bra (not too tight) and when you can shower with the shower head on your chest and gently let the luke warm water just run down your chest.

    If your child is not sucking anymore your breast will stop developing milk..

  4. Having been through this I can tell you that you just have to go through the engorgement stage. Wear a tight bra, take regular anti-inflammatory pain killers (like ibuprofen) and try not to bump them till the pain subsides. From experience I can tell you that you normally have 48-72 hours of real pain and b***s like cannonballs before it gradually eases off. They may still leak though for another week or more afterwards.

    You could also try sage tea as it is believed to reduce milk supply.

  5. This video is really great, it is worth a try before you try to stop. As far as I know there is no way to stop from getting engorged. There are just ways to relieve the pain. You can also contact the la leche league, they have local meetings, where you can get help and tips from other moms. Good luck on whatever your decision and congratulations on the little one.

  6. You are making more milk in response to pumping.  In the case of breast milk, demand=production.  You have two choices if your baby will not latch on.  One is to pump your milk, collect it, and then bottle-feed the baby with it.  (I have a friend whose daughter does this.)  The other is to stop breast-feeding and bottle-feed your baby formula.  Either way is going to be healthy, but breastfeeding is probably better.  If you decided to stop, cease pumping gradually to allow the production to slow down.  Eliminate one "feeding"/pumping per day until you are down to one, then stop.  This will be the more convenient option for you; as the pumping/collecting thing is complicated and somewhat messy.

    Another thing you might try is pumping a little, then offering the non-engorged breast to your baby to see if he will latch.

    Good luck.

  7. If you DON'T use it, it will eventually dry up,but pumping it , is useing it too !As fo rthe pain, I heard that laying a cabbage leaf over your b*****s, esp. while you sleep, will draw out the pain and swelling. I wouldn't take any pain meds if you still plan on pumping, cause he will still be drinking the bottles. Or ice packs !! Good luck !  

  8. there is pretty much nothing youcan do exceopt wait it  out

  9. If your b*****s are to full it is hard for the baby to latch on.  Something I did was to either self express right before feeding to soften the breast or to massage the breast by cupping the bottom of the breast softly underneath with one hand and on top of the breast with the other hand and then using a back and forth motion massage the breast each hand will be moving in different directions.  You can also use a hot pad on them to help drain the b*****s when you are feeding or pumping and a cold packs on them when you are not feeding or pumping.  I will use them at the same time a hot one on the breast they are nursing from and a cold one on the breast they are not.  I hope this helps.  Don't give up, try to stay relaxed, and if none of this works aren't we glad there are other alternatives like formula.  My favorite was nestle good start.  Enfamil was very harsh on my babys stomach.  

  10. I never did breastfeed my two kids but I still had milk.  All I was given was Tylenol and told that not to stimulate my b*****s and it will go away in time.  That didn't help the fact that I was dripping all over the place.

  11. Try pumping instead, if your son will not latch.  

  12. try taking a warm shower or placing warm washclothes on your b*****s. this will allow the milk to flow and they wont get engorged. if your son is having trouble then try a different position. if he can latch to a bottle then he can latch to your breast. dont get frustrated.

    here are some webcites that might help you:

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