
How do I stop these leeching monsters?

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I think everybody has unwanted family members in their life. In my life, I have two siblings: a younger brother and sister. My sister is 23, has no job, still in school (my parents pay for it); My brother is 19, just started college, and takes money for granted.

My parents do not speak English, works very hard to keep their lives going, has saved nothing for retirement, and has tried very hard to keep themselves involved in our lives. They get paid with disrespect, curses, and are treated like cash cows when my siblings need something.

I already talked to my parents about disciplining them--but they are too old and too tired to deal with this increasing problem. I've had bratty moments with my parents too---but I never treated them with disrespect and I worked for my own money if I needed anything expensive.

I have tried to support my parents emotionally, financially...but they won't cut off my siblings financially at all. It boggles me! Especially, when my sister and brother both screech that they are going to put the parents in a state nursing home and take their life insurance money when they die.

How do I stop these creatures? I can't view myself related to them by blood, talking to them inspires a broken record conversation where they accuse me of being ''better'' than them b/c I got into a great college, have a great job, and I pay my bills as well as my parents.

Is there a way to force their lazy asses off my parent's property?




  1. Your parents are trying to provide equal opportunity for all of you. If your parents didn't like it they would not do it. Just be a supportive person to your parents and stop trying to control everyone around you.  

  2. Okay, first off, your siblings are g*y. There is no doubt about that. I hope that they get mugged or something to realize the importance of making your own money in this world. Second-if you pay your parents bills, then you control the money, right? So, just cut them off. Tell your parents taht they can give you the money for your siblings, and then pay the bills with it.

    Good luck getting rid of the money grubbers!

  3. i kinda know how you feel...even though my younger brother is rude, extremely disrespectful, fails almost all his classes, doesn't have a job, i could keep parents still talk about how much they LOVE him wtf.  he's 17, when i was 17, i had to get a job to pay for gas (they let me borrow the car though.)  now they just give him money whenever, and if he wants to borrow the car, he comes home with the tank on empty.  i yell at him for wasting all the gas i paid for.  and my parents take his side and threaten to kick me out.  (i'm 19, but still live at home cuz i can't afford to move out now while i'm in college).  if you're old enough and can afford it, move out!  i plan to as soon as i graduate.  if you can't do that, just come home as little as possible.  stay busy with work, go out a lot, volunteer, sleep at friends' houses.  don't bother confronting your parents about how you'll only frusturate you more cuz if they're anything like mine, old parents are just...stupid.  avoid the situation as much as possible.

  4. If your parents won't do anything about it, then that leaves you to teach them a lesson about life.

    I would take any chance possible to make sure the money does not go to them. Bring in counselors that deal with family issues to try to convince your parents that no matter how old they get, children should never disrespect their parents.

    I would ignore the "your better than me" insults and continue to talk/yell at them until they get it.

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