
How do I stop thinking about my Math Teacher...?

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This may sound weird to some and it's weird even to myself. Anyway, I had this dream about my grade 11 Math B teacher last night. I dreamt that I kissed her...And I know that she is attractive, smart and funny. And after I woke up I could not stop thinking about her. I kept wanting to 'be' with her all throughout the day. Not in a sexual way however, I don't know I can't explain how I feel. I have never felt like this about any female before, except I always knew she was attractive etc etc. It's just this feeling inside my chest, if I had to describe it. I even contemplated telling her about it at one stage, but that would be just too weird and random. It's just so weird. Please, can anyone tell me what the h**l is going on here?




  1. You're definitely attracted to your teacher. This feeling will probably make you more reckless around her. Do not speak of this BY ANY MEANS. This would mean social suicide, as well as a falling out with your teacher, and worse case scenario, this gets to the parents and there's a huge scandal. Trust me, it will never work out.

    If it's somehow affecting your life, I suggest you go to the school counselor. Not only do they deal with this stuff all of the time, but they abide by Doctor-patient confidentiality, so they cannot tell anyone. They would probably be better than a parent, who would overreact.

  2. Is it that you liked her already?....or just after you dreamt about her and the kissing?...well I think its just an attraction to your teacher.....but don't take it seriously...because your dream is not likely come true and try to think about your actual relation of 'a teacher and a student'......there are so many other people(students) who are attracted to their teachers at a certain time in their life....but they have passed through that particular time.....if it is affecting your studies or personality then just try to forget about her....that was just a dream and its gone........but as she is your teacher it is surely difficult for you to ignore you wish to 'be' with her everytime.......I can understand how it must feel like being in your shoes.....but remeber your life is not confined to your maths teacher so plz focus on your studies....and plz try to get rid of this situation as soon as possible!!!

  3. Sounds like you have a crush on your teacher.

    Don't worry, it's no big deal, and it'll pass. Try not to think about her too much, and focus on girls your own age. I wouldn't talk to her about it if I were you, it would only be uncomfortable for her as well as for yourself.

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