
How do I straighten out a new rug that has kinks in it?

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Bought it home from the store and has kinks in it, have tried reverse rolling it to no avail.

Some edges are sticking up and bumps in the middle of it.

Obviously I can't iron it, so any hints or tips?




  1. I just set some furniture on it and it flattens out.  Just the other day I had a runner that I took out of storage.  It had been rolled up and when I put it on the floor it was all curled up on one end.  I just sat a stool on that end of the rug overnight and in the morning it was perfectly flat.

    I've used paint cans, books, flowerpots, anything that will weight it down, for smaller throw rugs.

  2. Hear ya go:

    Put a clean wet towel in your washer and let the spinner wring out most of the water (or just pull a towel from the washer at the end of it's cycle) - put it in the dryer and let it get warm.

    Put a clean dry towel (or two) over the wrinkled rug, then put the hot moist towel on top of that, then lay something flat and fairly heavy over the whole shebang (I usually pile on a few more throw rugs) and let the moist heat steam out the wrinkles.

    Don't put the hot wet towel directly on your new rug!  For the most part, this wouldn't cause a problem, but for some rugs, mostly cotton or other cellulose fiber rugs, the color might run.

  3. Dry cleaning worked for a couple of Persians I had.  

  4. Flip it over.

    Walk on it.

    It's a throw rug right, same color and pattern on both sides?

    Why can't it be ironed?

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