
How do I strenghten my immune system?

by  |  earlier

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Apart from eating healthily,avoiding alcohol and prescribed/non prescribed drugs,taking appropriate regular exercise,sleeping long enough.........

No jokers please




  1. I take a multi vitamin and echinacea to support my immune system.

    My mother in law swears by aloe vera!

    Exercise, reducing stress and eating your 5 portions of fruit and veg a day should do it.

  2. I'd also add cut sugar as much as possible it depresses the immune system and eat as many live green vegetables as possible.  As long as you aren't pregnant or breastfeeding you could check with your provider and maybe do a deep cleanse available at health stores.  Also Chiropractic could help you.

  3. you said all things that help but remember you need to catch bugs to become immune to them its no good wrapping yourself up in cotton wool.

  4. Well being and emotional health is linked to immune system function. There is little doubt about that.

    So you're on the right track:

    1) gentle exercise 2-3 times a week (preferably in fresh air)

    2) get enough sleep (everybody's different)

    3) Socialize with friends

    4) Laugh - apparently laughter boosts your immune system so watch a funny film or go see some stand up

    5) Don't smoke - that stuff messes up way more than your lungs

    6) Alcohol in moderation - a little bit may be beneficial

    7) Vitamin C and Zinc / Echinacea : your doctor may not recommend these but many people find them usefull

  5. You just about said everything correctly. Stick by all that and you will be fine for life. Well done.

  6. Start your day with a smile.  Drink losts of water to nourish your cells.  drink probiotic yogurt from DanActive.

  7. I used to have very weak immune system and a friend recommended me to try Beta Glucan and so far it works great for me :)

    I feel so much better now. Ask your doctor and see it's suitable for you too.

  8. Avoid stress- maintain physical, emotional, and mental health. Be happy :)

  9. Besides taking extra vitamin C every day the two natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil will also help.

  10. I guess there isnt one way to do it, i think that immune cells are produced in the bones, so i guess u need to strengthen the stem cell tissue in the bones, but i am not an expert

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