
How do I take action to get the smoking ban in my city/county?

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Do I write to my state governor (seems like he wouldn't have time)? Or my city/county legislature? I know the smoking ban is happening in a lot of cities, so how does it start? Do the people of these cities express interest in the ban THEN something happens? __ I know I'm just one person, but I was wondering how someone can go about having some action taken in their area? Thanks!




  1. There are a number of things you can do and start petition drives.  It has become ridiculous and there are more things like formaldehyde in carpets and plastics that are even more lethal.  I wish they would just go ahead and make Alcohol, coffee, tea, Gambling illegal, rather than waste people's time with fines and harassment.  It's Bad enough to be Taxed Without Representation!  It is about personal liberty.

  2. The best course is to form a group of like minded persons, then approach your local legislature/municipality member and convince him/her to take up the issue. Same time it would be beneficial if the Media- Print and Visual are approached to highlight your views- it will help your cause considerably. Remember in a Democracy it is necessary to have Patience and perseverance, it ultimately leads to the desired Goal. Good Cause keep it UP.

  3. Don't smoke and encourage others to do the same.  Then you won't have to worry about the government telling you what you can do and where.

    Congratulations White.Wendell.  Keep it up!

    PS I like the french fry ban.  Can we start that together?  French fries kill kids!!!

  4. Yes, intrusive laws start with busybodies like you.  Go for it...make decisions for others.  Because they're too selfish to make the right decision for themselves.

    While you're at it, can you go ahead and get french fries outlawed?

  5. I was a smoker for 49 years, and I can tell you up front, under no pretense that smoking bans by cities, counties, states or other government organizations have no place in our society.  This is a supposed to be a free country.  If you are concerned about being around people who smoke then alter your life and avoid them.  fdI am really sick and tired of the liberal government shoving things down our throats!  A couple of those are "seatbelt laws" and "motorcycle helmet laws".  These are things that each adult person should have the right to decide for themselves.  I believe that smoking is one of them, too.  Children should have NO say in the enactment of laws, of any kind!

    BTW, I quit smoking July 31, 2007.

  6. Its called gathering signatures for the ballot. But the anti smoking craze in this country has gotten now extremely out of control. Smoking is bad for you but so is carving up the constitution.

  7. I suggest you first read the constitution. What's next a ban on fast food joints, alcohol and beer, or any thing that could be potentially harmful? Our constitution gives us the right to the pursuit of happiness. If you don't want to smoke don't but don't trample on the rights of others who do.

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