I want to bathe my tortoise but I don't know how... The diet I give him is Strawberries, Romaine lettuce, and some times grapes.
His land scape (excluding house and bush) is about 2x4 or 2x5, And the reason it's small is because of the patio we made... it used to be a lot bigger.
I think the housing my dad made him isn't comfortable for him. His house is more like a garage I have to close when it's night. The other one is a wide burrow I made, but it could be harmful of wild animals.
We used to have a kind of play ground when my tortoise had friends (got stolen by other animals, escaped, died, etc.) It's not there anymore, it's used for a barrier for squirrels not eating our garden. The playground thing was like a bridge that looks like this ,•|''''''|•, the | are walls and that was used for my tortoises to sleep in...
Can some one help me with this problem?