
How do I take care of a baby sparrow?

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I found my dog chasing it in my backyard and i picked it up right away and put it in an old bird cage. It's been an hour since I had important errands and now it's really late like 10:00pm will the mother still come back for it tomorrow? I'm afraid to leave it outside because my neighbor hood has a lot of outdoor cats and the lowest branch of our neighbor's tree is way to high to reach so i can't make a plastic nest. We also live by a forest and saw a hawk before so yeah. If the mother won't come back how do I care for it? I think it's called down feathers but it has a lot of that but it has tail feathers.




  1. You can put this bird back where you found it is a fledgling bird. Which means it lives on the ground for the first few days out of the nest. It will not fly but will hop and flutter can get off ground but not well yet. The parents will feed it when it calls to them.they will recognize its cries and it will theirs. to be safe put in a makeshift nest using a coolwhip bowl with tissues for warmth. Put this somewhere safe next to where you found it or on a branch of a tree. Make sure it is secure. then you can hide and see what happens. It may hop out and go to whre it hears its mom bird. If not comfy with that then calll a wildlife rehabber in your area who will take it until ready to release. Some vets will take also. this is free to you. Offer it wild bird seed and mealworms (get at petstore. Offer shallow cap of water to drink. Do not force to eat or drink. Sounds like it is ready to go. may have seemed more helpless because it was stressed and in shock from being chased. Good luck    

  2. You need to find a wildlife rehabilitation organazion or rehabilitator in your area. Baby birds need special diets and must be raised with there own kind to be sucessfully released backintothe wild.  The parents feed their babies every 20 minutes from sun up to sundown.  It is important you get the bird to a rehabber or back to its mom early in the morning.  There might be as many four other little babies hiding in the yard so keep your dog in the house or on the leash for a few days.  If you decide to try and reunite baby with parents then you should not waste time putting it in a nest because it will probably not stay there.  If a neighbor has a ladder and  can get it on  higher branch that would be better.  If not put in a shrub right where it was found and stay away so mom and dad will not frightened and ignore it.  Watch from a window to see if they return and feed it.  They have up to five babies and will quickly fly to a baby, feed it,  and leave to find insects to feed the next baby,  You have to watch non-stop to see this.  Before you put it out in the morningyou can soak some dry dog or cat food in hot water and when it is soft feed the baby a few bites if he begs. A drop of water off your finger tip is ok too. No dropers because you can easily kill a baby bird with too much water.  If you feel uneasy about his safety outside the best bet is a rehabilitator.  

  3. Keep it warm. Not too warm.

    Give heaps of water.

    Feed bits of wet bread, or mash mixed with water.

    Or fine porridge.

    And need to feed quite often. (2 hourly)

    Do that ^^

    I found a baby sparrow at a park. It died 3 days later though. :(

    It's best to just keep it, until it's healthy again.

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