
How do I take down the haters? (JONAS QUESTION!)?

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OK, so mandty of you have probably heard of the Jonas Fans vs Jonas Haters war on youtube?! RIIIGHT!? Well, okay you probably have, and if you havent, they are destroying the Jonas's youtube.

My question is:

How do I help stop them?

What do I do?

Who do I do this to (Like who are the haters?)

How can we tell youtube if they already don't know?!

And, to all the Jonas Brothers haters on Y!A, you all are mostly nice.

You guys have a sense of humor (mostly... not all the time) and don;'t go overboard and wish death and other stupidfd things on the jonas brothers or their fans.




  1. the only thing you can do to stop us is by stop being annoying. if you wont stop then let us hate. reporting someone is just weak and stupid. it'll just cause more chaos. there are too many of us and we can all fight back.

    and yes, lots of people will soon get over them. i use to like them a lot. and look at me now, i dislike them.

    do you expect us to listen to your kind's stupidity?

    this is all you guys say:

    OMJ OMJ, where can i find the jonas brothers' phone number? they are so hot!!!

    face it, we hate them as much as you guys love them. you know how annoying it is when we see c**p like that everywhere. its just as annoying as when you see hater comments.

  2. Who cares about their YouTube? Why even bother? Next year y'all fans won't give a c**p about Jonas Brothers. Oh please, that happens with boybands. You and millions of other tennieboppers obsses over cute and hot guys who happen to pluck out a few notes and write a few cheesy love songs. They stay popular for a year or two then get tossed aside like yesterdays garbage when a newer cuter group comes along. Within a year JB will be water under the bridge.

  3. IT'S JUST THE INTERNET. Oh my motherflipping god, don't get butthurt about what other people say. It's their own opinion. And this is just the internet. Is it gonna kill you if someone says something bad about them? WHO CARES!? It's not like you actually KNOW them, they're just another  person on the internet stating something they feel.


  4. I agree with you 100000000000%, I don't know what to do though.  If you get any ideas, my page is (don't even ask why that's my name!!! lol)  I've been trying to convert people online and at school.  Its so hard to get to the bottom of this.  Why can't those haters find a way to occupy themselves and leave this poor amazing guys (that they're most likely jealous of!) alone!!?!?!?!?  Msg me too if you have any other ideas.  Thanks!

  5. You don't stop them. I like the Jonas brothers, but if they want to hate them then just let them. They have a right to say if they do or not.

  6. Hey, I let you love.

    Let me hate.

  7. omg there will always be haters for everything the world would be boring otherwise.  

  8. There is nothing that you can do about it (and personally, I think that your question was kind of childish).  It is their own opinion that they don't like the Jonas Brothers, and we're going to have to accept that (and I wish that they would just accept that WE like them).  They are just pathetic losers, and we are going to have to live with their stupidity...I know, it sucks!

  9. Do you know why people hate the Jonas Brothers??? It's not them, it's the stupid fans like you that's getting annoying. Seriously, on every single d**n page I go to, it always has something to do with the Jonas Brothers. Let me make this clear, I AM NOT A HATER OR JEALOUS. I thought they were okay in the beginning, but now I'm sick of them and the 13 year old stalkers that always ask for their number or where they live. Especially Mrs. Jonas [PRO JONAS]. So do everyone a favor and GET THE F*** OFF YAHOO!!!

  10. Don't waste your time

    it'll end soon

    after all everyone is fighting over some dumb band

    how pathetic is that?!

  11. OMFG!



  12. Do nothing. let it go on. it will all end.  

  13. I know! I just saw that she got rid of S.O.S.! At least I have it on my MP3 Player! That stupid leeonalewis girl/guy! She/He is soooooooo freakin annoying! Can't she just leave fans alone! I mean, if we hate Leona Lewis, we don't go around saying "Leona WILL DIE!" and starting war against her! I hate that the Jonas Brothers are the only ones that have haters that throw HUGE!!! wars against them!

    And "It's Nesmii b*tchh!!" I can SOOOOOOOOOO tell that u r jealous just by ur words "i wish that stupid little teeny boppers would STOP LOVING THEM SO MUCH"

  14. hmm, i think u just hafta ignore the haters. OR, flag them on youtube.

  15. stop

    you will be




    let it be


    i am


    to be


    a hater

  16. i love the jonas brothers and everyone who hates them should get a freakking life and they dont know much. but yea, i will help you take down the haterz!

  17. um, i don't like the jonas bros, but just because i don't doesn't give you a right to not let anyone have a freedom of speech. i will never wish them dead, but i honestly think they suck.

    edit @ Jbfan4evea: okay first, we aren't jealous. second, just because we don't like the jonass bros doesn't make us Haterz, it just means we don't like their music

    edit@ OP (writer of board) thanks for not calling me a *****! haha

  18. Haha, that's hilarious, Freedom of speech, that's all. I despise JoBros, but i don't want those dudes to die, coz all the 12 yr. olds' hearts would be crushed including my sister, i just want them to leave the music industry coz honestly they SUCK. peace man.

  19. you stop them by not being annoying. the less pro jonas annoying questions are there, the less anti jonas there's gonna be. but see, the only way u can totally wipe them is if all the pro jonas are gone. this "war" has no casualties, therefore there can be no winner unless both sides lose

  20. I haven't heard of that war.

    Yeah well I don't necessarily think us fans can "stop" them.

    The only reason they're doing this is because haters think Jonas Brothers fans are stupid and annoying.

    Which is very steryotypical, judgemental, and just ridiculous of them.

    They're doing this to get fans upset which is exactly what we're doing.

    We shouldn't get upset just let's take them down... peacefully :]

    When ever we find a Jonas hater we should all try to ban their account.

    Unless of course they have videos and a lot of hard work on it and if they aren't doing anything threatening. Then that'd be mean.

    We need to show haters we aren't stupid teenie boppers.

    We can either work on banning them or just lay back and let them do whatever. That doesn't mean they "win" that just means they are so insecure they have to get the all of the Jonas Brothers videos removed to make themselves feel good.

    I know I just said a lot of confusing stuff. I guess what I'm saying is all us fans can work as a team and take down threatening haters. Like ban whoever we find on youtube who has a hate video with threats and stuff.

    We don't have to talk to the haters directly because that will just make them do even more stuff to the Jonas Brothers.

    We just have to get them off youtube somehow.

  21. how do i stop them: stop liking the jonas brothers

    what do i do?: absolutely nothing

    who do i do this to? : ......

    and for ur information youtube isnt a person its a ur last question is pointless...

    i dont wish death..i wish that stupid little teeny boppers would stop loving them so much...

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