
How do I take pictures like these?

by  |  earlier

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How do I take pretty site model pictures like these?

And how do I edit them to look so good?

I tried:

but they dont look so good.

What can I do to improve them?




  1. They look so cool !

    Try changing the light on them and stuff like that x

  2. take the pictures outside- it gives you better light to work with and all of those people in those pictures are outside so that should be your best bet...also enhance the color of the photo with photoshop. hope i helped :]

  3. Don't take pictures like that.. You may or may not know this, but it makes you look like an attention w***e..

    But if you want to, just go in a well lit bathroom or something.. Better yet, sunlight.

  4. it's basicaly photography skills and editing.

    But if you want my opinion, your pictures look great.

  5. i think they look good

  6. Correct lighting, .png format, Don't over due the photoshop.

  7. your pictures look very pretty just the way they are.

    but anyways, usually people that have flawless pictures have photoshop.


  8. get rid of that frown and shy look and you would be fine.....

  9. i really dont know but u look good in them

  10. try experimenting with the light until you get it just right, if you don't have photoshop already GET IT!

  11. With those, lighting is the key.

    Flash helps, but outdoor lighting would be your best bet.

    As for editing- you can download a free trial version of the adobe photoshop CS3 (Which I think is absolutely amazing).

    It has a healing brush on it which can clear skin or stray hairs that are across your face.

    Otherwise, if you just want to use regular photoshop or something, theres a thing (filter, I think) called diffuse glow. just adjust it so you get that look like the girl in photo #2.

    But over all, yours aren't bad to begin with.  

  12. you seem stuck up taking all of these pics of yourself..

  13. You have to hold the camera from an angle above you. Then crop it so it''s just you. Your third picture is the most like it.  Don't worry about it, I think your pictures look fine. Btw, your really pretty.


  14. You don't have the right lighting. Take them in a studio.  

  15. wtf tha is sad

  16. you did aa good job.

    flip the camera so it elongates the pic.

    stand in front of the mirror, so you can see the picture your taking.

    make sure you have a light on your face. or for the best pics, take them outside. or the last thing you could do is edit them and make them brighter. the idea is to make the piics bright and flashy. whick you have achieved. just enlogate the pictures. (:

    i really need best answer.

    lol, thankyou.

  17. The pictures you're trying to emulate were done with what look like natural light. Try outdoors in open shade or bright overcast. Using the flash close up gives you that washed-out spot on your hair. Also, if your camera has white balance controls, learn how to use them. This would fix those yellow shots. Once you've got some decent shots to work with, try bumping up the color saturation a little, and play with the contrast.

  18. The first ones good. Your so pretty.

  19. Now your pictures are going to be all over the internet....

    that was dumb on your part

  20. Take a photography class at high school or college.

    Practice, practice, practice.

    With digital cameras, it's so much easier today, because you see the "final shot" immediately, and no developing needed.

    Allow experts to judge your shots and give you tips on improving, that's why you need a teacher, or class to help.

  21. They seem like they are pretty regular pictures. Just practice with different angles. Eventually you will get one you like.

    Yours aren't bad at all. No one ever likes pictures of themselves so don't worry  

  22. you just have to get creative with your look and just take a lot of pics of yourself and I'm sure you will get a few good ones.

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