
How do I take the woman my ex-husband lives with to Court to claim back my personal possessions in her home?

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How do I take the woman my ex-husband lives with to Court to claim back my personal possessions in her home? She refuses to return them to me.




  1. take your husband to court to reposess your belongings. Its his fault, not hers. And if you think that's too much hassle, beat her ***. If I knew someone is using my stuff, I would go postal on her. You must be going crazy.

  2. Do you really want the items or just being spiteful???

  3. You need your divorce papers. Some where on them is a list of your personal items. Make sure that your ex is there and have a police escort you to get back your items. The police are there to keep the peace and enforce your divorce papers. The reason having your ex there is. In this way your proving he lives there and your belongings are there also. If they hide them you will need to keep the police escort papers and use them in court. You will have to sew he for the value of the items. Or get back the items by another court order.  

  4. You file suit against your ex husband who is the one that remove the personal possessions in the first place.

  5. well it first depends on how she got them, if she just took it, its theft, call 911, if he gave it to her, its theft on him call 911

  6. When you were divorced, it should have been specific in the papers somewhere which posessions were yours and which were his.  This is something that the court says you have to agree on before awarding the you remember?  Did you leave those things? If yes, then they are no longer yours. Not sure what happens if you forgot about the stuff and didn't record it is the divorce decree.

  7. SMALL CLAIMS COURT>.........  but she has the law on her side,  Possession is 9/10th of the law,  ask Judge Judy...... she will  determine what's right......   but how & why does she have your items?   & are the ITEMS WORTH THE HASSLE TO BE RETURNED?

  8. If it isn't worth more than he is, let it go.  If  it is worth less than he is, does it really have any value.  If it is sentimental keepsakes that pertain only to you, you probably took them upon the divorce being final.  Ex's are that for a reason.  Don't make it a bad threesome by giving your life to them over something that may not really matter.

  9. I think you should try and work things out amicably via your ex husband.  What are these personal possessions?

    Don't chase after something of little value just to prove a point.  Also, its quite difficult to prove they are 'yours'.  Do you have evidence, receipts, etc?

  10. You have a couple of options depending on how things work in your locale.  You could call the police and tell them that you have personal belongings that you'd like returned from your ex that he has taken with him to this woman's house.   They may or may not wish to get involved. If they are willing, they can provide a police escort so that you can claim your belongings.

    If they dispute your ownership of the items, you may have to go to your district small claim's court or district court and sue them for your things.  It would help if you had some kind of proof that they are yours, documents or receipts or even pictures of you wearing the items or having them on your property.

    It may be a tough battle if you can't prove ownership and if the value of the items isn't much and they are easily replaceable, you have to ask yourself if its worth the fight.

    Is this about the personal items or just a way for you to vent anger at your ex and his girlfriend.  Think about it, sometimes we have to gauge our battles, is the outcome worth the fight? Or is it the fight you really want?  

  11. Well, as you said he does live there too where else is the stuff he sold from you going to be? its not like she took them? sounds like a good jerry show to me...

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