I posted earlier and most people seem to think I'm seriously depressed. I'm pregnant and really, really regretting it. My level 2 was yesterday and instead of being this great moment when I realized that I loved and wanted my baby, I cried and cried and cried. Every time he moves I feel sick. Every time I try to think about the future I feel so hopeless and trapped.
Should I talk to my husband? If I do, how do I even have this conversation? He is so overwhelmed and stressed at work. Right now he's the only person in his group who isn't on vacation or maternity leave. Is telling him how unhappy I am selfish? If it really does magically all get better when the baby is born, should I keep it to myself and spare my husband the stress?
I'm just so tired of crying and being unhappy and faking it because everyone expects a pregnant woman to be glowing and overjoyed.