
How do I talk to my 10 year old son?

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All he does is watch tv & xbox. He hates sports and all I do is yell at him ???? My husband is a shift worker and rarely spends time with him. He has friends but he and I fight all the time. If he cant play xbox or watch tv then he complains he is bored.If he does play xbox then he gets really emotional when he doesnt win. All he talks to kids about is games and tv after 5 minutes they switch off and walk away. He has no social skills .




  1. Well, the first thing you have to do is get rid of both the xbox and the TV. He can't play video games if they aren't there. One day, you should say, "I've noticed you spend a lot more time with the TV than you do with other people. It's okay to watch some TV, but you have to find other ways to have fun. If you don't find some friends and find some other ways to spend your time, we're going to give away both the video games and the TV." And then you actually have to follow through. If he actually goes out to play with his peers, finds some productive ways to spend his free time, and plays the games less, let him keep the xbox. If he fails to comply, take the TV and the game system and donate them to charity. He'll give you a hard time, for sure, but what can he do? You run the household, not him.

  2. Can u (the parent, the one in control, the mother) take him out for recreational activities?  Take him to the mall, the park, play basketball with him. I think parents get so caught up in not wanting to upset or make their children mad, that they dont wanna do what they know is best..  Last time you checked, werent you still the parent.  I am just trying to give you some common sense (dr. Phil) advice here.

  3. How do you talk to him? Well first off, I would remind him who pays the bills and who runs the show! He had better be coming up with money for that electric bill to pay to keep that Xbox running, and he had better learn how to do some chores to earn those privileges.

    Take the game system away, and tell him how it is, and how its going to be from now on. You need to take control before its too late.

    I don't fight with my kids,because they know who is boss in the house, and its not them.

    If my kids tried to fight with me, they would have a  war on their hands and wouldn't know what hit them

    It all boils down to taking control of your child, and making them. .

  4. limit his x box activity to 1 hour a day on school night and 3 hours on sat and sun. that includes the tv watching time also. tell him that he will just have to try new things and that is that. if you live in the city then there is band to do, volunteer services to do or just read a book if he wants to be alone.

    if he doesnt take you seriously then the tv does have a plug in.

    im not judging you but my son is 12 and he sounds so much like yours. he took karate and boy scouts for a couple of years and then got tired of it and then he joined the band in middle school. there are also groups at school he could do like the 4h club and other things, just look into your local school system and ask the teachers what they think, you would be surprised

    good luck

  5. He just like I used to be. Now I have another, better and more vocational outlet. I play the drums and bass to help me release anger. I also do trampolining.

  6. Oh no.  This will not do.  I do feel for you but you and your husband have to take control now.  The video/xbox use has to be limited but not before you have something else constructive/health to replace it . Not all kids are sporty, ask him about art, a musical instument etc. Make and appointment with the school counceller by yourself at first and take their advice.  Maybe other councelling? I have a willful 10year old girl who has done TaeKwonDo for 5years, touch football, drama etc. because she is an only child my mission in life is to keep her busy.  She loves playing WII and DS but is not obesessed because of her time spent on other activities.  I'm sure at heart he is a good kid he just needs you 2 to stick by him and take the time to understand him.  It's a bugger being 10 if you are not an outspoken kid.

  7. Kick his sorry @ss outside and tell him not to come back until he gets some friends.

  8. Tell your son if he does not find some outside activities there will be no xbox or tv,then limit them to a certain amount each day only if he has been outside riding a bike playing footy ,cricket, soccer which any other kids in your neighbour hood can also play great way to make friends,and playing in the front yard with other kids getting to know them may be better than he thinks,maybe he might like to make his own vegie garden.also once he realises you are serious and not giving in he  might just change his ways.

  9. i would tell the husband to start being a d**n father!

    you need to tell him fun things to do to get his mind racing.

    maybe he needs to join a sport, or get new friends.

    i would take him to maybe a group, like the YMCA to get him motivated!

  10. What can you expect.Who introduced him to,or permitted him

    to view television and play xbox?You and your child are victims of this Brave New World,where entertainment and

    distractions,have precedence over filial relations.

  11. Not quite as direct as Raw, but I would kick him outside too.  If he asks me what to do, I would tell him that go figuring it out yourself, since you are not a baby anymore.  He can mope around the yard or just ride his bike (assuming he has one).  If he doesn't have friends, he can start making them by interacting with the neighbor kids.


  12. Kick your Husbands a$$ and tell him to be a father. He not only has to be a father, but a friend.

    Better find an activity or hobby these two can do together now. Not much time left.

  13. Yeah bassically get him into a form of youth group.

    Try not to yell at him and find something you to have incomine so you can share a posotive relationship.  It will payy off in the end

    good luck

  14. Throw away the video games. You are the parent, so take initiative. You're going to end up with a loser for a kid if you don't wean him off the video games!

  15. Take him to the park to play with other kids. Enroll him in which ever activity you can that matches with the video game he plays. Set a rule for the t.v. as much as he watches or games, he has to spend equal time doing something else, or outside.  I have a 9 year old who claims to be bored every minute of his life, and when he speaks those words, I hand a sponge, mop, broom, and say " Good because there is work that needs to be done."

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