
How do I talk to my husband about his weight?

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He has gained a lot of weight in the last year or so, he is now up to 265 pounds. He has gained about 50 in the last year, and I dont know how to talk to him about it. He started drinking soda all the time, he wont drink any water at all. Im not worried about it because of looks or anything, I am worried about his health. He has been a lot less active over this past year also.

I am pregnant and after I have the baby, I plan to go on a pretty strict diet, I would like it if he would do it with me, but I don't think he will.

How do I approach him without sounding mean or hurting his feelings?

How do I get him to stop drinking soda all the time? Thanks.





  2. tell him if he wants to be healthy and live to see the future of your child then he needs to start eating right and that you need him, and dont want anything bad to happen

    pop is very unhealthy, has sugar in it can cause high blood sugar, skin problems

    let him know how it can affect his future

  3. just tell him how you feel about his health! tell him he needs to be more active! also you can go with him out and exercises! you walk and he runs! good luck!


  4. First tell him the truth be blunt.  He's a man he can take it.  Next, start buying healthier choices for him to hve instead of soda.  Lead by example, and if he asks u why u are all of a sudden buying vitamin ater say i think i should stay healthy for the baby and u because i luv u.  Do not nag him though it will only make him want to eat more.  

  5. Just sit him down and talk to him without bringing up his weight.Let him know youv'e been thinking with the baby coming that you both need to start eating better and taking better care of yourself's and that you would like for him to work out with you or even take walks around the block, also that you will start buying foods and drinks that are good for the two of you.Tell him that you love him and that you want him to join you for (1) to encourage you & (2) so he will be around for a long time for you to love and see his baby grow up.

  6. Be supportive.

    1) Try taking walks with your husband. Tell him it will help you with your energy levels and birth. Have a pitcher of decaffeinated iced tea ready in the fridge when you get back.

    2) Change your meals a little at a time. Add more veggies. A large Chef's salad. Or just adding a couple of chicken dinners instead of beef.

    If you try to go too extreme, you will only get him to dig in his heels.  

  7. Just tell him you're worried about his health.

  8. You can't. He has to want to do it himself. I am overweight and my wife nags me about it all the time. It makes me want to eat more. Once I start a diet, she tries to tell me how to do it as well. May be once you start doing it, he will notice and join in. He does know about the problem, and I am sure he is concerned as well. Men sometimes gain weight with the wife through pregnancy to. It could also be stress from becoming a father for the first time. Talk to his Doctor about it. That is probably the best way..... Good Luck!

  9. I would be honest and straight up with him don't beat around the bush.  Also u can try another drink that doesn't contain the same ingredients and has the same taste.  It sounds as if he has become addicted to sodas and this has caused him weight problems.  He may need to see his doctor to have his sugar level checked he could be a diabetic due to all the sodas he drinks.

  10. If you do the grocery shopping, stop buying it.

    He may still buy it on his own but if it's not made readily available in the house he will drink something else.  Also, tell him that he is looking like he is the pregnant one in the relationship and call him a fat pig that turns your stomach.  Let him know that your stomach illness due to his obesity is detrimental to the baby.

    Congratulations and good luck.

  11. It's best to ease him into it, like making it a date.  Ask him if he wants to go for a walk with you or ask him if you want to work out together.

    For the soda, you probably should try to ween him off of it little by little.  Start by buying diet soda, then start by buying one less case (or 2 liter bottle) each trip to the store.  That won't happen overnight, though...

  12. Doing this with my child right now.  I didn't say anything, I just started cooking differently, and not getting requested food items.  Yes, I deal with the complaining that it's not what she wants to eat or whatever, but so what!  You're going to eat what I give you or you won't eat at all.  In your husband's case, he's got the ability to eat out if he wants to - so I'd just go ahead and change how I'm cooking at home.  He'll begin to complain, and then you can tell him that you're worried about his health.

    Good luck!

  13. Just tell the fat pig he needs to lose weight cause he looks gross.

    When my husband got to 200lbs i told him the same thing cause i wasn't attracted to him anymore and he lost 30lbs in 2 months.

    At 265lbs i dont know you can stand to have s*x with him.

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