
How do I tame my parakeets?

by  |  earlier

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I have had my parakeets for two years now and I feel bad. They miss out on alot of stuff because they can't come out of their cage. I want to let them out and play with them but when I stick my hand in the always fly away! I tried everything that i can think of... holding treats, standing with my finger still for a whole hour, and the closest I've ever come was stroking one on the back one time!




  1. Well the same thing happened to me! After some days I felt bad and then my best friend told me to cut of some of its feathers but not to much and when I let it go this days it feels very happy!I felt terrible for cutting its feathers. But later I got the hang of it!and cut their feathers if it is too long!

                                        Best of luck!

  2. Get some Millet from a pet store. They can't resist it. Also, make sure their wings are clipped or else they will fly away. I have two parakeets, and neither one of them have their wings clipped. I have to take them into an enclosed room to let them fly around. But if you just get them accustomed to your hand being in the cage, then they will come to you.

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