
How do I teach a 12-year-old how to ride a bike?

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I have a friend who's twelve, and no one ever taught him how to ride a bike. I think he's kind of embarrassed about it, he really would like to know how. We agreed for me to teach him. Can you give me any advice?




  1. Option 1:  Get some training wheels and bend them so that they dont touch the ground unless he is going to fall, and they save him.  My dad did that for me and it worked all right.

    Option 2:  Run with one hand on the seat and one on the bars, and let go and let him keep going without you.

  2. The way I taught my siblings.  It actually won't take too long. A few days before he'll be tooling up and down on his own.

    Make sure the bicycle is not too big, that he can easily touch the ground while sitting on the bike.  Lower the seat if you need to do that if that will make it fit.

    Have a long smooth driveway (or a safe place where you can practice in private).  As he is sitting on the bike, you will be at his side and hold the seat and running along beside him steadying the bike as he pedals.  Let go after you notice he is doing OK on his own.  Very soon he won't need you next to him.

  3. I taught my kids all how to ride using a scooter. Once they master the two wheel balance on the scooter, the bike is a piece of cake. Try that.

  4. training wheels lol or just get a small bike and put ur right hand on the seat and left on the handel bars and walk with him while he rides

  5. My dad tied a rope just below the handle bars and would pull me and I would just practice balancing myself  and after a while i started pedaling a little while he pulled and before long he dropped the rope and I just started going by myself.

    hope this helped

  6. well, at age 12 he should have pretty good balance already so just show him exactly what he needs to do and slowly let him try it.

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