
How do I teach a child to water ski?

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How do I teach a child to water ski?




  1. What equipment do you have available?   The training facility near me has a set up where they basically attach a long pole so it sticks out at the side of the boat - its much more tiring than using the rope, but because it holds solid it is a great learning tool for beginners, just to grasp the basics before moving on to the rope.

  2. put skis on them and tie them behind a boat?

  3. after the skis are on, in the water,  drive slowly, untill the line is tight, and then take off. It should only take three or four times,  they learn fast

  4. The industry produces learning skis that are attached to one another preventing them from sliding apart.  Also use a rope that is held by someone in the boat who can release it when the rider falls to prevent them from be dragged when they do not release the rope on the way down.  Makes the experience all the more enjoyable.  Start off at a slower speed.  You might even want someone in the water with them to calm their fears the first few times to get them setup for the start.  When teaching kids how to get up on a wake board, we usually do not go more than 10 - 12 mph.  Once they learn to get up, we gradually increase the speed of the boat, then begin attaching the rope to the ski pole or tower.  You can find these skis at any sporting good store that sales boating equipment, or go on-line.  Overton's or West Marine carries them on-line.

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