
How do I teach a left handed 5 yr old how to cut with scissors?

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My 5 year old has started kindergarten and she is struggling with scissors and cutting along the line. I figure because she didn't go to preschool and it's all new to her. I'm right handed and she's left handed. I need help tips on practicing at home with her. Her dad and I are very upset to hear her say that her substitute teacher got mad at her because she didn't know how to cut her shapes.......




  1. Sub teachers are often cranky. I would ignore these comments. Learning to cut with scissors is the same for left and right handed people. Every child struggles with scissors at that age. You can start a dream board project where you cut things out of magazines that you would like to have one day. This is a fun project and you can paste it up later. Best wishes, G

  2. Don't push too hard on the child.  Soon enough she can manage to cut in a regular manner.  I am also a left handed person and I turned out to be good in cutting things as well as in my painting classes, guitar classes and even piano sessions.  

    Please be very patient with her.  She will catch up IN GOD'S TIME.


  3. I am left and right handed and when learning new things (such as sports like hocky and golf etc. that involve hands on tasks) it does take me longer to figure out because most everyone teaching me is right handed and because i just dont know what is more comfortable. So I would tell the sub to back off its harder for her and in the future she should write a note home to you so you can help her and to not say anything to your daughter about it. As for what you can do at home just practice practice practice.  

  4. use left handed scossors or scissors for left and right landed people.

  5. I am left-handed.  I write and eat with my left hand and always have.  I colored/painted, etc. left-handed.  I use scissors with my right hand though because I grew up during the 1960's and if you think it's difficult to find left handed scissors now, it was really difficult then.

    I learned to cut with my right hand and can do it with no problems.  It's possible that she may become skilled using her right hand as well.  If you can buy a pair of scissors that are made for both hands, then you sit with her using your own scissors in your right hand and let her do whatever she wants.  Eventually she will either choose to cut left handed always or she will learn to use her right hand.

    In the long run, it would be better for her if she chose to use her right hand as when she becomes an adult and is working somewhere, most places only have scissors for right handed people.  Not that I'm saying that's a good thing, but it's reality.

  6. It all takes practice.  They make scissors that are teaching ones, headstart gave me a pair for my 3 year old because he can't cut and i had a hard time working with him because he is left-handed and i am right handed.  They have 2 holes to put the childs fingers in and 2 other holes for the adult to put their fingers in to help guide the scissors while they learn.  Also make sure the school has scissors that left-handed kids can use.  They use Fiskars here that are for left and right handed but sometimes even those can be a problem but just left-handed scissors are hard to find.  If you find your son is having difficulties in other areas where he has to use his hands for motor skills like that I would recommend an occupational therapy evaluation be done because they can work on things like that.  

  7. my daughter is lefted handed 2 and i am right handed. She is at kindergarden 2 , they give her special left hand scissors to cut with. Have they given your daughter these???? My daughter teached herself how to do it.

    Sorry i could be mean help.

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