
How do I teach girls to ski?

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Ok so I am going skiing with a few girls, all of which have either never been skiing, or only gone once or twice. Now I'm a guy, and pretty advanced at skiing. How can I teach them to ski besides just going up and down the bunny hill all day. My goal is to have one or more of them going down the bigger hills with me by the end of the day.




  1. If this is a school trip or something like that it will be a waste of your time for the most part.

    Four years of HS ski trips and Four years of college ski trips taught me one thing...90% of the girls only signed up because they were social butterflys and thought they were going to "miss something big" if they didn't go on the trip.

    Most of them spent the better part of the day in the lodge playing grab *** with the guys who weren't there to ski either.

    I wasted a lot of time teaching girls how to ski. Out of the 12 or so I taught my last two years in HS...only two were serious about it. The other 10 picked it up...but never stuck to it to be any good.

    My advice...find a babe who already skis...or rides. She already knows how to stop and you won't have to listen to her whine about being cold....usually.

  2. very very carefully

    make sure they are comfertable with the first runs you do then start moving them up gradually

    very very carefully

    i can not stress how slow you have to start moving them up

    if it is like what i had to do you have to treat the situation with extreem care

    do not freak them out

  3. Do you want them to with you as skiers or as friends?  To save the friendship, hire an instructor and be supportive of the girls.  If as skiers, you may lose the friendship.  If you are a professional instructor, get another pro to teach them and you teach theirs.  

       The bunny hill is where they belong for a few hours, don't frustrate them or yourself.  Enjoy their company, if you do stay with them on the lower slope, practice your own skills. Try to make a "perfect, 100%" carved turn at slow or very slow speeds.  Enjoy.  Jim.

  4. Speak slowly and use no big words........

    Come on, teach them however you learned.

    I bet you the GIRLS are smart enough to grasp the concepts.

  5. You could probably find a green run from top to bottom that is pretty much like an extended bunny hill.  I would have them try the bunny hill a few times just to get used to the lifts, but then once they get the hang of that, they should be alright to go all the way to the top.  

    From what I remember about learning how to ski- pizza pie/french fry!

    Also, I wouldn't try to stick with them all day long unless you are seriously dating one of them.   It will be a waste of your own ski trip.  Do a few runs with them, then go on your own.

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