
How do I teach my 7 year old nephew......?

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that the french fries at Hooters are not better than the fries at McDonald's ?

He is screaming and we have no Hooters nearby !!




  1. Maybe he's a chip off the ole block?  =)

  2. Nephew is a tougher one than your own kid.  Your own kid, just tell him hooter's aint an option, not gonna happen, too bad.  Get over it or go to your room until you are.  Can't always get what you want and don't waste my time trying or it will make it worse.

    Nephew, depends on what role you have chosen to have with him.  The solution still involves telling him it ain't gonna happen so get over it, but how you get that point across depends on your authority-friend level.

    The fussing is just his effort to get his own way.  Well, life involves not always getting your own way, and if he hasn't already learned that than a seven year old should be learning it now.  A three year old is a little different.  Seven, should be able to understand EASILY the concept.  Time to learn it.

  3. mmmmmm Hooters wings ...

    and mmmmm McDonald's french fries....

  4. Tell him tough luck!!! He's old enough to understand that and at his age he shouldnt be screaming to get his own way.

    xxxxx good luck xxxxx

  5. mmmm Hooters ur making me hungry! Tell yur nephew he is smart.

  6. can you get a cardboard pouch with mc donalds written on it?

  7. Drive until he falls asleep, drop by McDonald's while he's STILL asleep, buy the fries, wake him up on the way home with fries in front of him and NO McDonald's packaging to be seen!  Either, he eats what's in front of him or he gets hungrier!  Problem solved!

    Quit treating him like a baby, too!  Tell him to man-up!

  8. If he you are babysitting, tell him that since he is yelling about it, he gets no French fries at all and make yourself a time out corner and chair and make him sit there.  If his parents are there are if you are visiting at their house, it is their problem.  Just walk away.

  9. This is hilarious. Its time for him to learn that you can't always get your own way. Its his choice whether to eat or not, if he doesn't eat whats presented to him, then tough. He can be hungry

  10. Tell him "the french fries at Hooters are not better than the fries at McDonald's " 3 times!

  11. he doesn't need fries from Hooters and doesn't need to go inside there either. tell him either McDonald's or no fries at all be firm he is a child if you give in now he will expect his way the rest of his life

  12. Hope this doesn't run in the family ;-)

  13. bwwwaaa hahaha thats funny....

  14. "Hmm...  You don't want McDonald's fries?  Let's go home and have a nice baked potato."

    "Hooter's?  Nice try.  Ain't gonna happen."

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