
How do I teach my pet....?

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I have a parakeet. (Smaller version of a parrot.) My mom said I could start letting him out of his cage on our sunporch. (It's a closed area and safe.) I want to teach him some tricks. Just the basics for now. Like, I want to teach him to come at the sound of his name and I want to teach him how to say some basic words like hi and bye (for now). Does anyone know how I can teach him this stuff or know any sites that can help me? PLZ HELP!!




  1. I don't know about teaching it to come to you by calling it's name but to teach it to talk,say the word or phrase over and over again.Make sure you say it in the same tone each time.The bird probably will start to listen and eventually he will learn to say it.

  2. Here's a really good link:

  3. If you're putting your pet in your sunporch, make sure it's not to hot in there or he will die. And if your parakeet can fly, he could fly into a window and get seriously hurt. Parakeets love exploring and knowing their surroundings, so it would be great for him to be out of his cage, just make sure it's safe for him.

    And training him, just keep talking to him, he'll soon pick it up. just always say hello to him and he'll start saying it back. Hold a treat for your bird and call his name. give him the treat when he comes to you. then soon, every time you call his name he'll come to you thinking you have a treat for him.

    Hope that helped =]

  4. The only tip I can give you is "Repetition". Pick one thing to teach him and repeat it until he has it down pat.  I would first teach him/her to "Step up". You gently rub your finger ( length of your finger goes across his/her chest) against his/her chest and say "step up". Make sure that your finger is stiff enough that he/she can easily step onto it but not so stiff that you are uncomfortable.  Good Luck!

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