
How do I teach my son how to read and write?

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My son is 3 years old and is very smart. He already speaks english and spanish better than I do. I want to start teaching him how to read and write. Is there any sites that assist you for free? I want to do it the right way. I need like a schedule to follow or something and Ideas how to help hime remember what he is learning.




  1. Phonics.

    I assume he knows the ABC's.  Start him on vowel sounds, then consonants that have only one sound (like D, K etc.).  Use words which contain those letters until he can read a new word he hadn't seen yet.

    Then work with letters that can sound different, depending (C, G etc.)

    Finish it off with diphthongs (Ch, Th etc. and you've just about done it.)

    Do similarly with Spanish.  I would suggest teaching reading in one language at a time, whichever one he will need the most where you live.

    You can use flashcards made from 3x5 cards with a big letter and a small sample word, like

    M m


    G g


    and so on...

  2. There is an excellent site on Internet that my daughter (5) and my son (3) both use.  It is a very interactive site and has the ABC’s, rhymes, songs and a lot more.  There are also printable alphabet sheets to teach your child to write, there is also printable reading books that your child can colour in. The site was primarily designed for first grade, but is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade. This site is perfect for Home Schooling. Both my children have been able to start learning their alphabet, as well as word association, my daughter is starting to recognise small words as well as spell small words.  They are both fairly computer literate and hardly need assistance to go through the lessons. I highly recommend this site for small children.

  3. Teach him after meals at the table, give him paper and pen or crayons to practice, tell him to write the words on the cereal box. Hold his hands and guide him, then let him try

    on his own.

  4. you need to teach him the sounds of the alphabet first.

    all the sounds that "A" make.

    all the sounds that "B" make.


  5. Most parents assume that because their children can sing the alphabet song that they understand what it means.  Often they don't even understand which are letters (w, for example).  They'll sing a song because it's a song and not understand the meaning behind it (which also can be awkward depending on your choice in music!).

    Start with helping him identify letters.  Teach him not only what it is ("B") but what sound it makes ("buh").


    This is a B.  It says buh.

    Have him repeat it.  Then, once he has those down, have him string them along for simple words.  CAT, for example, is a very easy kuh-ah-t.  Teach him exceptions as you move to harder words.

  6. Let him be a 3 year old for heavens sake! Read to him a lot.

    Get a few educational games IF he is interested. Social devolopement is much more important. A child who learns to read at 2 or 3 is no more advanced by 3rd grade than a child who learned to read in kindergarten. You will do more harm than good by pushing a 3 year old to read.

  7. Read, Read, Read! Read lots of books together.  Have him retell stories.  Work on alphabet symbols and sounds.  Start learning some high frequency words (sight words) don't rush though... Too much info will only confuse him.  Writing and reading develop simultaneously but each have different developmental processes.  If you want him to start writing you should first familiarize yourself with the developmental stages of writing.  

    I have heard that there are over 80 stages of writing and the first being dots or stabs on the paper then scribbles, then scribbles from left to right, then symbols that look like letters, then letter strands (not words)... etc.  

    Once he begins to write letter strands you can start to connect the letter sounds to what he is writing and have him start to label his pictures.  Another huge part of reading and writing is oral  language skills.  When he draws a picture talk about it ( more than "I like your picture!")

    This is a lot of info but I hope that it helps!

  8. I suggest reading with him and pointing to words as you go along. Make little signs to stick on familiar e.g. door, television, stove so that when he sees them he'll reconize the words. As far as writing goes, write with him while holding his hand then once he gets the feel of it, get two different color crayons and write in one and have him trace with the other then have him TRY to do it himself. That's how i taught my daughter.

  9. There are so many things you can do!  First, read to him and with him as much as you can.  Children at this age need to hear as many words and sounds as possible.  Later on, it will help him recognize words when he's reading them on his own.  Ask him questions as you go through a book - those kinds of questions that ellicit high level thinking and questioning skills.  Make reading a game, never a chore, and you'll have a hungry reader on your hands.  There are also great sound and pre-school learning software and games that are out on the market and worth the investment.  (Although I never had an electronic toy in my house - ever!)

    good luck

  10. study words

  11. make him study easy words

    and read him easy books


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